Monday, December 17, 2007

Romantic and Victorian

Romantic and Victorian Period Paper
Romantic Period
Industrial Revolution happened during Romantic Period. It changed the way things were done. Before Industrial Revolution goods were made by hand, at home. Then when Industrial Revolution started production switched to factories, people started using machines, which worked faster than human beings could work by hand. When the factories came the population grew. Housing conditions also improved. Most land that was shared by farmers was taken over by private owners when this happened lots of people had no land. During Industrial Revolution an economic philosophy was started called "Laissez Faire", which mean "let people do as they please" according to this policy, economic laws should be allowed to operate freely without government influence. The results of the lassez faire were that the rich grew richer and poor suffered even more.
The French revolution was also part of the Romantic period. The storming of the prison called The Bastille which happened on July 14, 1789, started the revolution. To English the French Revolution meant triumph of radical principles. Democratic idealist and liberals was happy about what was happening. In 1972 the "September massacre" took place in France. Hundreds of French aristocrats had their heads severed from their bodies. During French Revolution control of government changed. Napoleon Bonaparte emerged as dictator and then as emperor of France. He became a ruthless and executed king. All these crazy changes made Western Europe rigid.
After reading Romantic period, I think life for normal people was chaotic. There was too much happening during that period. Their government was changing up too much and it was hard for the poor people. I think a normal day would be someone getting beheaded or a massacre. It seemed like only bad things happened so the people who lived there probably was mad, stressed, and always scared. It seem like every time you turn around something interesting or violent was happening there. I know if I stayed there I would be terrified
Romantic poets wanted to express their emotions. I say this because romantic signifies exploring and learning to trust emotions. They seem to be trying to find their will, and sense of identity. Their emotionally confused so they write to explore their emotions. They also wanted to express the way they think people should live. I say this because in Romantic poetry they question tradition and authority to better imagine things that is happier, fairer, and healthier, ways to live. In their poetry they normally talk about ways of life. They also express how they think one should live. They also expressed nature. They were called" nature poets" In there poems they talk about scene of forests, mountains, and streams. They think of scenic overlooks and write about it. They believed in beauty of nature. And they had their own way of viewing nature as well.
The poem William Blake The Blossom is basically talking about nature. In the poem he talks about how green the leaves are. He also talks about the pretty robin. So to me it seems like he’s in a garden or field picking flowers or just watching them. If he not in the garden he could be in a pretty forest of woods, but I know he somewhere beautiful. Blossom is a good example of romantic poetry because it talks about nature. Romantic poets like nature and they look at it and write about it. It a good example because he talks about a beautiful scenery and romantic poets do that. When he says "under leaves so green, a happy blossom" he’s basically describing and telling us how beautiful the nature was, the leaves where so green. Just from his words you can basically picture what he’s talking about. In one line he says "pretty, pretty robin" He seemed like he was happy to see the robin and you can also picture a robin just sitting there in front of you.
The poem William Wordsworth The Birth of Love this poem had kind of a sad vibe. It talked about a woman who gives birth to an infant child. As he describes her she seems to be happy. The love of the infant overwhelmed her so much that she spoiled him. When the child smiled it made her happy. It’s a good example of Romantic poetry because he talks about love. Romantic poets express and talk about their emotions. It also a good example because romantic poets like to explore their emotions and in this poem it seemed like he had some of his emotions in it, because the poem had that sad vibe. In one quote it stated " think all, he is the God of young delight" this quote shows me that they really worship and love the child, and he seem to be the center of their world. They called the child HOPE. Another quote I really liked was " in that divine embrace enchanted lay" I like this quote because he call the child "enchanted" and that shows the love and romantics talk about love a lot.
The poem I speak not by George Gordon Byron, Lord Byron. In the poem he is talking about a person he cares about. He seems guilty like he done something bad to them. In the poem he says that he don’t want to speak, or breath this person name. He seems very sad and regretful in the poem. He’s mostly talking about his relationship with someone he really loved. It’s a good example of romantic poetry because he pours out his emotions. He also express why he’s feeling the way he is. Romantic poets are very wrapped up in their emotions and they aren’t afraid to express themselves. "I speak not, I trace not, I breathe not thy name" In this quote he’s showing guilt, because he’s saying he don’t even want to speak this person name. Another quote I really liked is "we will part, we will fly to unite again" I like this quote a lot because, he express the faith he has in the relationship. He feels like he not going to let go right now, he’s going to give it a chance and see will they reunite.
Percy Bysshes Shelley poem Music, When soft voices dies This poem is talking about music. In the poem he talk about how you can hear the soft sound of music when everything is quite. He also talks about how the music vibrates and stays in your memory. He’s basically saying when your listening to music your thoughts are gone and your mind is just wondering. This poem reminds me of romantic poetry because it talks about the scenery. In the poem it talk about what he hear and the things around him. He also explained how the music made him feel, which is what romantic do. Romantic expresses their feelings and they express their thoughts or ideas. "Music, when soft voices die, vibrates in memory. In this quote he is describing what music can do to someone, now when you listen to music it takes track of your thoughts. Another quote I like that show romantic poetry is "and so thy thoughts, when thou art gone" I like this quote because it’s true and music does contain your thoughts.
John Keats poem "When I fear that I may cease to be" This poem talk about his fears. He talks about how before he writes or thinks he get a fear. He also talks about other fears like never being traced or never being able to look upon thee. The whole poem is basically about his fears. It’s an example of Romantic Poetry because during the poem he’s all emotional talking about his fears. In the quote "of the wide world I stand alone and think" this quote make him seem like he is afraid of being lonely, he’s afraid of not having love. To me he is very imaginative and has his own special view of creative power. And that’s exactly how romantics are.
The Victorian Period
During Victorian Period Industrial Revolution of 18th century expanded. Over the course of the century it created new towns, new goods, new wealth, and new jobs for tens of thousands of people. Social and Economic changes moved up gradually. Working class politicians and voters achieved political power while leaving the monarchy and aristocracy in place. The Victorian era was a time of relative peace and economic growth. As the British Empire grew steadily, the industrial revolution expanded. Human forties were also part of the Victorian Era. During this time the era was full of troubles. During this time Victoria came to the throne in the first year of depression that by 1842 had million and a half-unemployed workers and their families on some form of poor relief. Government commissions investigated working conditions and learned that children were working 12 hours and falling asleep at machines. They discovered young girls and boys carrying sledges of coal. Then in Ireland Potato blight caused a famine that killed perhaps a million people and forced 2 million others to emigrate. All these events were apart of "hungry Forties" which is apart of Victorian period.
After reading about the Victorian Period I think life for normal people during this time seemed easy going. Their lifestyles had a lot of changes going on. Their lives were mostly peace. They had a lot of economic growth. All around these people new things were being create4d. I t seemed like they know how to adapt to change easily. New towns was developing, new goods, and new jobs. All these changes were happening but they were good changes that made people during Victorian era life easygoing. There are many differences between the Romantic and Victorian period. The Romantic Period was more chaotic than Victorian period. During the Romantic Period lots of events was taking place, most of them bad. But as the Victorian period came along things begin to change and improve. The Victorian period was just more, peaceful. During the Romantic period Industrial Revolution was just starting, but in Victorian Period Industrial Revolution had set off for the best, people had better job opportunities and economy was better. Another difference is the government. Romantic period believed in "laissez faire" everybody free to do what they want, but the Victorian government cared more about what their people did and their rules, Victoria was ruler than. The Victorian writers asked questions and raised doubts. Victorian writers questioned whether humans were satisfied. I say this because they wanted readers to be pleased. Their highest purpose was to make readers aware of connection between earth and heaven, body and soul, material and ideal. The writers sometimes wanted to scare reader into effective moral and political actions that were believed possible. Some wanted to show readers what it is like to live in a pleasurable moment of intense feeling. Victorian writers wanted to entertain, inform, warn, and reassure.
Alfred, Lord Tennyson Love and Death This poem is my favorite poem so far. In the poem it’s kind of like love and death are competing or like their talking to each other. The poem describes love as paradise. In the poem death and love is described. It’s a good example of Victorian poetry because Victorian poets like to show difference between body and soul. I think death and love has a lot to do with body and soul. The poem also seemed to be written for reader’s pleasure and Victorians love to please their readers. The quote " you must begone, said death, those walks are mine" This reminds me of the body and soul theory I say this because it seem like body and soul are battling each other through out the entire poem.
Among the rocks by: Robert Browning
This poem is a nature-based poem. The poem talks about the earth and how beautiful an autumn morning can be. It talks about how a man is in the sun. He must be on a beach with rocks on it. The man is just appreciating the earth and the things around him like the rocks. In the poem it says you should give love e to the earth because it deserve your love. This poem is an example of Victorian because it talks about nature. Victorian poets liked talking about nature. I think the poem is a good example because of this quote " listening the while, where on the heap of stories" this line describes the nature and how Victorian poets picture the earth and their surroundings in their head.
The last word by Matthew Arnold
This poem talks about how someone feels this is their last word, and this is the last thing they have to say. In the poem it seem like he’s describing someone. Someone who wants to stop the arguing and let things go and be the way their suppose to. The poem also talks about how a person wants everything to end at last. It seem like the whole situation or whatever that’s going on is stressing them and they just want to say what they have t say so it can be the last word. The poem is a good example of Victorian poet because it’s very intense and Victorian writers are very intense writers, they also like to assure you and to make sure your entertained. This poem assure you that sometimes giving in and letting things go and not trying to have the last word is the best choice. "Let the long contention cease" is a good example, it shows how the writer is trying to end the argument and let things end. I see why the poem is called the last word.
I look into my glass by: Thomas Hardy
This poem seems to be about a person examining and judging himself or herself. In the poem it seems like he’s saying look into my glass. The glass to me symbolizes a mirror. He talks about how his skin is wasting and how is heart have shrunk. He’s basically been stressed and lonely and now he wants to grieve and shake off the fragile frame he has of himself. This poem is a good example of Victorian because it is very intense. Victorian poets wrote about very intense incidents and they want you to feel and live in the moment that they are writing about. A good quote, which is a good example is " I look into my glass and knew my wasting skin" This quote shows the whole intense part about the poem. The whole time in this poem this man is criticizing his self and basically wanting us to understand him. Which is something a Victorian poet would write about because they want to entertain you and make sure you are interested in what they’re saying.
From reading all these poets and reading about the two different periods I’ve learnt a lot about both and I’m very interested in both as well. Both periods were different in their own way but they keep me interested, especially the different poets I learned about.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Restoration

The Restoration
The Glorious Revolution was about a man name Charles II who had plenty of kids but no heir, which meant no person inherits or has the right to inherits the property of Charles II if he were to die. When he did die in 1685, his brother James II who was a Roman Catholic replaced him. Most people were positively against James because during this time it was believed that Roman Catholics had set fire to London and caused many other disasters. They also believed that Roman Catholics wanted to hand the country to the pope. So when James II and his queen had a son who would become a Catholic heir, which mean there would be more pressure on their family. The pressure became so bad on them that in 1688 the fled to France. He left willingly and that way there was no bloodshed. Because there was no bloodshed the Glorious Revolution was also called "Bloodless Revolution" So after he left the Glorious Revolution was basically over because all the people wanted for him to be gone and for a catholic not to rule over them.

The reason it was so important is because during this time the people believed that Catholics actually set fire to London, which was not true at all. Because the people believed this they didn’t want as catholic king. They believed if a catholic king ruled then the pope would actually be ruling because the pope was in control. It’s also important because if King Charles had not left he would have been killed and it wouldn’t have been pretty, they probably would have chopped his head of or something. I think him leaving only made him the bigger person and also saved him as well.

Satire is when you use a word to express something different or something opposite of their literal meaning. Satire can also be described when you use sarcasm or you mock someone with smart remarks that may be offensive to them. It can also be when you ridicule someone by actions or words in a way that will intentionally hurt them. Satire can be described as putting someone on the spot or announcing something about someone publicly. So it’s basically laughing or being mean to someone on purpose and mocking.

The show Punk’d is a good example because on the show they are cunning people and pulling pranks on them. Since they doing it on purpose to get a laugh out of it, then that’s a good example of satire. On the show Ashton Kutcher pull real life scenarios on these celebrities and he actually be pranking them and watching their reaction on camera, then when the situation start getting serious or everyone has gotten a laugh the people say you have been Punk’d. Another show is Chapelle show, on the Chapelle show they do the same thing. Dave Chapelle be mocking celebrities and making shows about controversial stuff like racism and stuff.

He did one show where there was a white man and he was blind. The blind man in the scenario thought he was white but he was black. So he was going around saying white power, and then at a meeting he found out that he was a black man, it was so funny. The movie Scary Movie is another example of satire because the whole movie is about mocking other movies like the movie the Others and Scream. The characters in other scary movies but they make it funny. A Modest Proposal is a good example of satire because the author is basically slanting people and talking about them. He talks about them publicly and say terrible things about them. He talks about how the women walk around begging with lots of children following behind them. He talks about how the women occupation is begging and how the kids will grow up to be thieves or fight in war. It also is a good example because he is mocking and picking on people. He also is joking around, like when he stated that a one-year-old is delicious and nourishing and good brewed or roasted. The whole story he is basically mocking and talking about people and things that he has deserved, but he is doing it in a funny comedic way that will make you laugh.

When I first started reading the diary of Samuel Pepys it really caught my attention. On the first day of his journal a man name Major General Harrison was hanged in front of a lot of people and everyone was cheering as if they were happy. It seem like people during this time believed in an eye for an eye because in one part it stated" Thus it was my chance to see the King be-headed at Whitehall and to see the first blood shed in revenge for the blood of the king". From what I’ve read it seem like the man was be-headed because of something he did to the king" Samuel seems to have nothing to do everyday, because he walks around all day and does nothing. He went to the town tavern and chilled. His journal didn’t start getting interesting until the first day of the Great Fire of London. In the text he described it, as a great fire so it must was huge. During the fire more than 300 houses was burned down. The fire must o moved rapidly because everyone was moving all their goods as quickly as possible.

In Samuel Journal the people seem to be very carefree and happy. Every day in Samuel journal he was a happy it seemed like he had no worries. For example the day of the London fire people was just waking around all carefree. In the journal there is a quote that says " People staying in their houses as long as till the very fire touched them" As the fire moved along the people didn‘t panic at all.

Samuel had heard about the fire and he just got up and wen t to visit a friend like nothing was wrong, I thought that was kind of weird. In this quote it shows how carefree Samuel was about the fire "I rose, and slipped on my nightgown and went to her window, and thought it to be on the backside of Mark Lane at the furthest;" this quote shows who he wasn’t even a little bit worried, because during this big major fire he was visiting his friend and acting like he had no worries in the world.I think it’s so cool how everyone in the town just is stress free. I wish I could be like that. I would love if our town was like that…. drama and stress free but we know that will never happen. Samuel seemed to enjoy his life everyday. He walked around and chilled with the bishops and he went to the tavern to chill. The other cool thing about the town is that even though they were all going through a crisis they were all still holding ground and not worrying about the fire that could be destroying them right now.

Monday, December 03, 2007

November 28th Mentor Log 2:20- 3:40

When I first walked in I really didn't feel like being there because when she be busy it's chaotic and Ana Lisa really don't get to spend alot of time with me. We talked about my product and we're both really confused on what we gonna do. I wanna do a video but, i don't think that i will be able to do that anymore because it will take alot of time. So we have decided to use video clips instead. I also have been thinking alot about my presentation and what i want to do. I'm going to pamophlets for everyone. Becauase of my mentor being sop busy that's all we got to talk about. She hasn't really been hepling me so i'm basically on my own. I'm going to continue working on my product and my presenatiton.

Monday, November 19, 2007

November 9th 10:02am - 1:25pm 3 hrs 23mins

I walked in the funeral home it was very quite because she didn't have any bodies. When there are no bodies it be really boring and very quite. She informed me that she couldn't find her books on embalming, so she will have to borrow some from a fellow mortician. She also said she want me to look in on some embalmings so i can get the hands on experience. I told her that i need to start thinking about my product and what i'm gonna do. I'm still a little confused and i been thinking about it alot. I'm thinking about embalming a chicken because that would be really fun. Ana Lisa and i haven't really decided yet though. It's hard finding a product to do for embalming.
We also talked about what i should do for my presentation in general, I know whatever i do i want it to be hands on because i want others to see why i'm so interested in embalming i also want them to see how it's done and the interesting part about it that i enjoy. That's basically all we talked about because we really didn't have much to do. We mostly chilled and talked about what i want to do after school, do i want to go to a mortuary school or what. i really haven't decided myself. After we wrapped things up i gathered my notes and went to catch the bus. She said she'll call and let me know when we can meet again because she'll be very busy the past couple weeks.

October 26, 2007 1:20- 3:55 2hr 35mins

I stopped by the funeral home and Ana Lisa was very busy. She had a body and she was really busy. But since this was our day to meet i decided to stay and try to do what i can do to help because i like the learning experience. I also like to just watch her doing her job because she is so professional and she good at what she do. When morticians have funerals they have alot of important stuff to do. She had to announce the death over the radio to v880 and she had to fax it to the newspaper so it can be printed to inform the public. While she attended to the families and other important stuff she had to do i assisted in answering the phone and walking family members in. Ana Lisa run her own business so it is harder on her because she don't have much help. That's why i look up to her so much because she do it all. She a mortician, embalmer, and she running her own business by herself. Next we took a break and went to dairy queen up the street to get something to eat. After we got back to the funeral home she said she'll call me and let me know when she'll have another chance to meet with me again. So i left and went to catch my bus.

October 5, 2007 10:45pm - 3:00pm 5hrs and 15min

On this day it wasn't as hectic as it was the last time i was there. When i got there Ana Lisa was sitting in waiting room watching the view. When i did an internship there with her last year, she did the same thing. When she was not busy she would watch the view. When we got started i asked her if she had any books i could read about embalming, she said she had alot of books but she'll have to find them because it's been so long since she been in mortuary school. Since she had all her books packed up she said she'll have them ready next time i come.
She also told me about her experience as a student at Gupton- Jones Mortuary school in Atlanta. I never knew they had a school that's just dedicated to teaching about mortician's, embalmer's, and funeral business. I thought that was so cool and interesting. She went to mortuary school when she was in her mid 20's so i think i really don't want to rush into embalming right now. But i know embalming is one of my future career goals that i'm really interested in other than cosmetology. Cosmetology has alot to do with embalming as well because an embalmer actually make over the dead and the have to use make up. They also have to do the dead hair which is something i really like to do myself. I also got on this website called rotten .com to see some dead bodies and how an embalmer can change a destroyed face into a masterpiece. It was a picture of a little boy who whole face was dismembered and an embalmer fixed it back to where it looked like him again. I didn't know an embalmer can reconstruct a human face. When i was done looking at that i answered the phone for her for a while then we closed up and decided on our next meeting.

Mentor Log September 28, 2007 12:05pm-1:45pm 1hr 40mins

This is the first time i actually approached my mentor with the idea of her helping me on my senior project. I choose Ana Lisa because for one she's a licensed mortician and embalmer. She was my mentor before this senior project and i knew she'll be a big help. When i went in the funeral home it smelled so good. I knew she had candles lit when i walked in. Most people look at a funeral home and think their disgusting but i feel like i'm at home when i'm there because a very quite and calming atmosphere.
We talked about my requirements and what i'll need her help for on the project. I also asked her did she have the time to help because morticians are very busy people. The day i went in she actually had a body up there so that's the reason i didn't stay long. I'm basically just glad she can help me period. When i was up there she got really busy so i had to leave a little early. her being my mentor is very convenient for me because i can catch the bus to and from my house at the bus stop which is right in front of the funeral home. Since she was busy she said the next time i come back we'll get to talk more and we'll get to meet a little longer so i can get some more information. My first meeting wasn't what i expected but at least i had a chance to meet. hopefully it will be more better and interesting

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Should I Compare our Love to the heavens?

Should i compare our love to the heavens? A

Where everything is beautiful and angels fly B

Where i feel so special like i'm on could seven A

A place lovely where no on is acting sly B

Sometimes we argue and sometimes we fight C

When things get bad most time i get sad D

But i know it'll be okay because we'll get it right C

It's a waste of time for us to just be mad D

When all the problems are solved we'll be happy again E

Not having any worries just taking a chance F

Not sad or regretful, just knowing new things shall began E

And never thinking about ending this romance F

So as long as we love we'll make it together G

No matter what the problems we'll make it through the bad weather. G

Renassiance Sonnets

Edmund Spencer Sonnet

Fair eyes, the mirror of my mazed heart, A

What wondrous virtue is contained in you, B

The which both life and death forth from you dart A

Into the object of your mighty view? B

For when ye mildly look with lovely hew, B

Then is my soul with life and love inspired C

But when ye lour, or look on me askew, B

Then do I die, as one with lightning fired. C

But since that life is more than death desired, C

Look ever lovely, as becomes you best, D

That your bright beams of my weak eyes admired, C
May kindle living fire within my breast. D

Such life should be the honor of your light E
Such death the sad ensample of your might. E
In the first section it seems as if he is writing about someone who is looking into the mirror and saying that their eyes are beautiful and that their eyes has mazed or confused his heart, which mean this person must be in a daze by the beauty of the other person. He is basically asking the person how did you become so excellent or amusing. Then it also talks about how the person is darting from life and death into the object of beauty, which to me means that the person is so beautiful that they have to dodge their own view in the mirror.
The second section talks about when the person looks at him straight it touches and inspire him but when the person looks at him all crazy it hurt him inside and makes him want to die or make him feel like he been struck by lightning. Then in the third part it says that since he doesn't desire to die can the person look at him lovely or at their best, and then he will admire the beautiful look because it will make him feel good inside.
Then at the end he basically saying that the person beautiful look should be the honor of his light and that beauty shows and gives an example of what might or might not happen including death.

Shakespeare Sonnet

As an unperfect actor on the stage A

Who with his fear is put besides his part, B

Or some fierce thing replete with too much rage, A

Whose strength's abundance weakens his own heart. B

So I, for fear of trust, forget to say C

The perfect ceremony of love's rite, D

And in mine own love's strength seem to decay, C

O'ercharged with burden of mine own love's might. D

O, let my books be then the eloquence E

And dumb presagers of my speaking breast, F

Who plead for love and look for recompense E

More than that tongue that more hath more express'd. F

O, learn to read what silent love hath writ: G

To hear with eyes belongs to love's fine wit. G
The first part is talking about an actor that is fearful of playing his part and is basically beside himself and is fierce and full with lots of rage. He have an abundance or lots of strength but he is weak in his own heart. In the second section he is talking about how the person is fearful and can not trust. I t also talks about how he wants a perfect ceremony of love, but when he's in love his strength seems to decay or rotten and he can't be strong, and he don't have lots of strentghts because the love takes over him and the he has no control. In the third section he is talking about how he talks graceful and that he can foresee good things happening because he feel it in his heart. He also talks about pleading for love and expecting something to happen or expecting to get something back. Then the last two line talks about how you should know how to read love and know which love belongs to you.

Renassiance Sonnets

1.) The rhyme scheme Spencer uses is way different from Shakespeare. His rhyme scheme goes ABABBCBCCDCDEE, Which basically mean his rhyme is constant. He uses more words that rhyme and he don’t skip around a lot, and I think that is harder than the way Shakespeare writes his. Shakespeare style has fewer complexes it doesn’t use many rhyming words like Spencer. His rhyme scheme is basically ABABCDCDFFEFGG, Which mean he don’t rhyme much and he don’t bring rhymes from his first set into his second like Spencer do. If I had to choose between the two I would choose Shakespeare because his rhyme scheme is not as complicated also like the was his writing is more easier to understand and I know what points he are making from beginning to end.

2.) The first point in Shakespeare he is asking should he compare the person he talking about in the poem to a summer’s day. He’s saying she is more lovely and calm than a summer’s day. He also is saying that good things don’t always happen in the summer because in the summer rough winds shake the buds of May and last but not least the summer day don’t last long. The second point he is talking about how the summer can be to hot and how it can dim the complexion of the person he is talking. I like the last part of this section when he says "And every fair from fair sometimes declines" This is saying everything that looks beautiful is not always beautiful, and I really like that quote. The very last line states that beauty can be destroyed by nature or chance. In the third and last section he is basically saying even if the summer fade away the way he feels about her will still be in this poem foe others to read. In the second poem by Spencer, in the first section he comparing his self with a girl he likes. He said he is ice and she is like fire. In the second part is talking about how hot she is but that even though she is hot her beauty is not actually touching him. The third part talk about how her beauty is melting him. And the last part says how powerful is love.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Act 5 Macbeth

In the beginning the doctor is observing Lady Macbeth as she is sleep walking. While she is sleep walking he finds out that she has something to do wit the murders and she actually feel guilty about something which is very shocking for her character. When she was sleep walking she said "Wash your hands; put on your nightgown; look not so pale! I tell you yet again, Banquo's buried, He cannot come out on's grave." This quote basically shows how guilty she is and let us know she had lots to do with banquo murder. Just because she didn't kill him doesn't mean she doesn't get no blame.

Lady Macbeth died and we didn't know why until the end when Malcolm gave his speech. She actually died because she committed suicide. I think she did it because of the guilt she was feeling. When the doctor told Macbeth he acted as if he didn't even care. Just like when he found out Macduff, Malcolm and the solders was outside his house he didn't even panic. I think he a little to bold for his own good. He really need to stop listening to what them witches been feeding him. Them witches have no idea what they talking about.

At the end of act 5 when Macduff finally killed Macbeth i was so happy. I think he deserved it because if he would have listened to what the witches said and been patience maybe he wouldn't have died. He thought a man born from a woman couldn't kill him but from the quote in the book "And let the angel whom thou still hast served tell thee, Macduff was from his mother's womb untimely ripped" I knew when Macduff said this that it only meant he could kill Macbeth and i was so happy because i was actually getting sick of Macbeth.

Act 4 Macbeth

In Act 4 the witches inform MacBeth that he really has nothing to worry about because no on who is not born from a woman can kill him. They also told him that he want die till the woods reach his castle so, after they tell him all this he thinks he is out of the woods and he really isn't at all. I think he really have a little to much confidence that he is unstoppable. Jut because fair is foul and foul is fair it doesn't mean he is going to get away with what he has done. He eventually will have to die.

In act 4 Lady MacDuff was very upset with her husband because he has left his family and hasn't even come back for them. Lady Macduff and her family was murdered by murderers hired by Macbeth. I think it is son wrong that Macbeth had Macduff family killed, his family was innocent and had nothing to do with that nonsense. Now that he has done that i think he deserve everything that happens to him and more. While Macduff was off trying to convince Malcolm that Macbeth is a bad man he should have been home with his family protecting them.

In the quote where Malcom says "The grief that does not speak whispers the o'er fraught heart and bids it break" that quote was really sad because he really didn't want to break Macduff heart and tell him that his whole family had been killed. After Malcolm told Macduff he felt so guilty and now him and Malcolm are going to MacBeth to kill him and i can't wait to he's dead. I think after Macbeth is dead Malcolm is going to be a good king.

Monday, October 29, 2007

MacBeth Act 3

In act 3 it start off with Mac beth inviting banquo to their dinner. Macbeth is so fake because he don't even like banquo, he actually want banquo and his son dead to make sure their not king. When the murderers came into the play i know something bad was about to happen. I can't believe Macbeth has hired people to kill banquo and his son. I think Macbeth is taking this whole situation to seriously. In one quote it shows how much Macbeth was behind the whole murder and that he actually planned it all.

"Within this hour at most i will advise you where to plant yourselves" This quote shows that Mcbeth has alot to do with banquo death. He really want Banquo dead that bad. When Macbeth started to see the ghost i was so happy. I was happy because he embarrassed his self and he was very scared. I think he deserve being haunted by the ghost after everything he has done.

I was really surprised when Macbeth was the only person to see the ghost. His wife who manipulated him form the beginning called him crazy and said he wasn't acting like an man. I think all this going to come back on Macbeth. Everything he's done is going to hurt him in the end. Him being selfish and worrying about being king is going to be the reason he dies. I can't wait to see what happens in act 4.

MacBeth Act 2

Act one started off crazy, it started off with MacBeth talking out of his head. He was basically hallucinating about killing the king. When he was hallucinating he said he seen blood on the dagger. In the book there was a quote that said " Is this dagger which i See before me" This quote shows how crazy he really is and how his wife manipulation is driving him crazy. I think he's like that because of the way his wife manipulated him from the beginning.

In act 2 MacBeth feels guilty for murdering the king in one quote it said " But wherefore could not i pronounce "amen" i had most need of blessing and amen stuck in my throat" This quote basically shows how guilty Macbeth feels about the whole situation. From what i read he regrets what he's done. I think he should have done it just so he can become king. Him wanting to be king is going to be the reason he die.

I really liked act 2 it had alot of action and it's getting more interesting. I think in act 3 all the bad things are bout to happen. I think Macbeth going to get killed in Act 4. I say this because he is doing to much and now it's all going to crash down on him. And i have a feeling it's not going to be good.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Act 1 of MacBeth

Act one was mostly an introduction to the characters, so far i like most of the characters. At the beginning of the act they start off talking about some witches. Which caught my eye immediately because the witches were chanting spells. The first Act also introduce the reason tho why they would want to kill Duncan. They want to kill Duncan so Macbeth could become king but they didn't know the witches would soon be telling them what they fore saw happening. Banquo was also introduced he was the thane of Scotland. In one quote it says "thou shalt get kings, though thou be one, so all hail Macbeth and Banquo." this quote shows how the witches predict things that are going to happen.

The most interesting part of act one was when the witches start telling Macbeth that he was going to be king and he's rally shocked. It seemed like he didn't believe them and i don't blame him. I probably would be shocked to if someone approached me telling me my future. I think that now Macbeth know this he will be trying tho live up to what the witches think. I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next.

At the end of act 1 Lady Macbeth tried to manipulate Macbeth into killing the king so he could become king. I think he shouldn't let his wife manipulate him. If she want the king killed she should do it her self. And i think MacBeth is taking the whole situation to serious anyways. I would never kill someone so i can come ahead of them.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My Renassiance Blog

The Renaissance
When I read the Renaissance it made me say, " I know this is going to be interesting" the first thing I noticed is that a lot of the great paintings were done during the renaissance time like the birth of Venus. I didn’t know Michelangelo lived during the renaissance time that’s very interesting because he did many great paintings. I learnt that the group Humanist who studied Latin and Greek classics to find answers to live better lives. It seems like the humanist stared the reformation, after the reformation. During the reformation they where trying to reform the Catholic Church. It was interesting to know that the reformation was strengthened just by Johannes Guthenberg's invention of the printing press.
Without the printing press, reformation would have never happened, because during the renaissance time people didn’t have books because they were so expensive but, when the printing press was invented it made it cheaper and easier for the people to read their own books. That means people could believe what they wanted and it made a big change during the reformation. It seems like catholic was the most major religion during the renaissance time but as the Reformation started this changed, people started straying away from the catholic religion because it was corrupting. After the printing press they no longer had to rely on the pope to translate things for them.’
The most interesting thing I read was, when I read about King James. King James was a very interesting person to me. He had six wives, two he divorced, two he had beheaded, one died on her own, and one outlived him. It was said that he wanted a son to take his heir and Jane Seymour had his first son. It just crazy how he only wanted these women to have a son for him. I guess back then love wasn’t important people only cared about who was king or who was queen and I think that is so rude. I still think that the renaissance is going to be very interesting and I can’t wait to read more about it.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Middle Ages

The Crusades
From what I have read the crusades is a period of time from 1095-1270, which was in the fourteenth century. It was a series of wars by European Christians against the Muslims. Jerusalem and the Holy Land was the prize. As I read from the text the Europeans didn’t hold Jerusalem but they did get something good out of it they learnt mathematics, astronomy, architecture, and crafts. The crusades exposed Christian Europe to the Middle East’s sophisticated civilization.
The Murder of Thomas a Becket
In the story of Thomas Becket pilgrims wanted to go view the place where Becket lay. During this time all Christians belonged to a Catholic Church. Thomas a Norman was bishop of Canterbury which basically mean he was a Prime Minister; his friend King Henry appointed him. Eventually King henry and Thomas started disagreeing because Thomas didn’t want to listen; he was independent and combative. In December 1170, Henry got very mad and four of his Knights murdered Becket in his cathedral after this happen it backfired on henry everything was then corrupted. The public was outraged by the assassination of Becket but it only made the power of the Catholic Church better.
The Magna Carta
Is also known as the "Great Charter" it was signed by king john in 1215 at Runneymede. John was a very pushy, opinionated, and mean. He was forced to sign the document; the signing was for power. The Magna Carta was like a constitution it had laws. Laws like legislative taxation were approved.
The Black Death
The Black Death is also known as ‘bubonic plague" this event occurred 1348-1349. It was a disease that was contagious and was extended by infected rats. The disease reduced the population by a third. It caused fewer jobs; it gave lower class people a more advantage. One results of all this was the serfs was let free, which knocked out feudalism last support. By time King Henry reconciled his marriage. The Middle Ages were ending and the renaissance was beginning.
The Characters of Canterbury:
The Knight: A gentleman who loved chivalry he fought in war and he was very courteous. As read in the text he seemed to have been a great fighter. Here is a quote that describe how great he was "At Alexandria, in the winning battle he was there; Often put in the place of honour, a chair. Above all nations' knights in Prussia." This quote let’s the reader know he has won plenty of battles in his time. The knight has fought fifteen battles he fought for what he believed and he always killed his enemy at least that’s what I read in this quote: Of mortal battles he had fought fifteen, And he'd fought for our faith at Tramissene Three times in duels, always killed his foe. He is strong and brave but also has a bad temper. He dressed simple and didn’t wear fancy clothing.
The Squire: The squire is the son of the great knight he is a lover and a bachelor. From what I’ve read in the text he is a pretty good-looking young man in this quote it describes him well: "With locks well curled, as if they'd laid in press. Some twenty years of age he was, I guess. In stature he was of average length," He is active and has great strength like his father. He was said to be a strong and so hard but from the text I read he acts more like a female. Here is a quote:"All full of fresh-cut flowers red and white. Singing he was, or whistling, all the day; He was as fresh as is the month of May. Short was his gown, with sleeves both long and wide. Well could he sit on horse, and fairly ride."
The Yeomen
Yeomen to me seem to be an independent man because it says he didn’t want servants. Here is some good direct evidence that shows how independent he was:
"No more servants, for he chose so to ride; And he was clothed in coat and hood of green. A sheaf of peacock arrows bright and keen" it seem as if he was a brave man he walked around with a bow he also carried a sword; he seemed to be prepared for anything.
Was a nun also known as Madam Eglantine. She spoke French and had good manners, in a quote I read it talked about how good her manner was at the table:
"At table her manners were well taught withall, And never let morsels from her lips fall, Nor dipped her fingers deep in sauce, but ate 130 With so much care the food upon her plate That no drop could fall upon her breast." She is a very clean and friendly but, she was a sensitive person she had strong emotions and cried about unnecessary things; she basically had a tender heart. She must was an older woman.
The Monk
The monk liked being outside hunting was his favorite sport. He was said to be holy but in the text it says he wouldn’t even give a way a chicken: He gave for that text not a plucked hen Which holds that hunters are not holy men; Nor that a monk, when he is cloisterless" He had a bald head and was kind of chubby. You can tell he was a hunter because he even wore fur.
The Friar
The friar is a festive and well spoken man it he seems to like to gossip, so he probably was a loud and country person. He also so was an easygoing man that many imitated and looked up too as you can read in this text: "Highly liked by all and intimate was he With franklins everywhere in his country," He was a go getta, he was always begging and coming up on some money. He knew a lot of people and seemed to be a very sociable man, because it said that he loved to flirt around. He basically was a fun person even though he was a beggar.
The Merchant
The merchant must was an older man, he had a long beard, he wore and hat. He was neat and elegant and he hardly ever told his opinion. From what I read he must was a good negotiator because in a quote I read it said, "He knew how to deal foreign currencies, buy and sell." He was a private person who kept things to himself no one didn’t even know he was in debt.
The Clerk
Must have been a sophisticated man because not only was he a clerk but he also studied philosophy as well. He must have been a slim man because from this text he seemed to be small: "As lean was his horse as is a rake, 290 And he too was not fat, that I take," He seemed to like to read because it said he would rather have books instead. He also liked to learn and was thankful for what he had and appreciated everyone who helped him.
The Sergeant of the Law
He was very keen and wise; he was a judge at a court who had much knowledge. From what I’ve read he was a well-known man who had a great reputation. Here is a quote that talks about that: "Because of his knowledge and high reputation, He took large fees, had robes more than one"
To me Franklin is described as an older man from this description I read I n text he must be an older guy: "White was his beard as is the white daisy. 335 of sanguine temperament by every sign, He loved to dip his morning bread in wine" He must have had a pleasant life and he enjoyed it because he woke up every morning and dipped his bread in wine. He was the son of an important man and he liked everything perfect. I say this because he would get mad at his cook if something weren’t right.
A haberdasher and a Carpenter, An Arras-Maker, Dyer, and Weaver
They lived together and they dressed real nice form this quote I read they seemed very neat: "But all with silver; neatly made and well 370 Their belt and their purses too, I tell. Each man of them appeared a proper citizen" Each of them had wisdom and was very suitable men. They all had property and wives and seemed to be church going people.
The Cook
Was a very good cook in this quote it said they cooked chicken and all: "And he could roast and boil and broil and fry, And prepare a stew, and bake a tasty pie." He had a sore on his chin but he still was a good cook.
The Shipman
Was a sailor who lived far out west, he rode a horse and wore a gown of woolen cloth that went to his knee. From this quote I read in the text he must didn’t care about the way he dressed: "A dagger hanging on a cord had he 395 About his neck, under his arm, and down. The hot summer had burned his face all brown" Even though he didn’t dress the finest he still was a good person. He didn’t really have a conscience because he stole wine from his friend as he slept.
The Physician
The physician was a great doctor of medicine who was good at astronomy as well. From the quote I read he saved many lives. "He cared for and saved a patient many times By natural science and studying astrological signs. Well could he calculate the planetary position" H e knew the cause of all his patients sickness he was a very smart and educated man. He made up his on remedy. He was a good doctor that always helped no matter the circumstances.
The wife of bath
Is deaf but very skillful she made clothes and was very talented at what she do. From this quote you can tell she was talented "Her head-dresses were of finest weave and ground; I dare swear that they weighed about ten pound" The dresses weighed a lot but they were very beautiful. She even dressed nice her self, her stockings were scarlet red. She must was a religious person because she married in the church and walked to Jerusalem but the strange thing is she has five husbands, but she was a friendly person.
The Parson
He was a good man who had good religion, but was also poor. He also was a clerk and form this quote he must was very generous: "He excommunicated not to force a fee, But rather would he give, there is no doubt," He looked after sheep and acted like a priest. He was very religious because he followed the word of the lord. If he did something sinful he would indeed correct it.
The Plowman
Is the parson’s brother, and from what I’ve read he was a hard worker. This quote describes it well: "That loaded many carts with dung, and many other Had transported; a true worker was he" From what I read in the story he loved god the most and kept him in his heart at all times whether it was easy or hard. He did his job well and never cared about wealth. He did what he had to do no matter what he had to give up to do it; it was done.
The miller was a strong man who was well known. From the description in the book you could tell he was very muscular and strong "Hardy, big of brawn and big of bone; Which was well proved, for wherever a festive day 550 At wrestling, he always took the prize away. He was stoutly built, broad and heavy;" He won all his wrestling matches and could easily lift a door off it’s hedges or could break it by running at it with his head. He wasn’t the cutest guy his beard was read and he had a wart on his nose. He also had very wide nostrils; He would steal corn and charge a higher fee. so to me this man seem like a bully.
The Manciple
Was from the inner temple people looked up to him to learn the art of buying victuals.
From a quote I read he knew a lot about selling and buying: "That he knew the markets, watched them closely, And found himself ahead, he did quit nicely." He seemed to be a good sells person.
The Reeve
Was a slender man, I think he was young from the description in the story. From this description I figured he was young: "His hair was closely cropped around his ears; His head, the top was cut alike a pulpiteer's. Long were his legs, and they were very lean, And like a staff, with no calf to be seen." He had his own things and he seemed independent.
The Summoner
Was not a very attracted guy from the description in the story he wasn’t cute at all: "
Who had a fiery-red, cherubic face, All pimpled it was; his eyes were narrow As hot he was, and lecherous, as a sparrow; With black and scabby brows and scanty beard; 630 He had a face that little children feared." There was nothing that could clear up his face or make him look better. He must had low self-esteem because he drunk wine a lot and barely stayed sober.
The Pardoner
A good friend who was from Rome, from what I read in the text he liked to sing. Here is a quote: Loudly he sang "Come hither, love, to me," 675 The summoner added a strong bass to his song; "No horn ever sounded half so strong." His hair was smooth and yellow and hung like dread locks. He was a stylish man who liked to wear nice things like fancy hats and things. He basically was a fun and happy person who was always singing and stuff.
The Miller
To me the Miller was a rude man in the text it said he would be so drunk that he couldn’t stay on his horse and he had no manners at all; he wouldn’t even open the door for somebody. I think that he just was a rude alcoholic because he gets drunk all the time and starts talking out his head about god and other unnecessary stuff. He blamed other people for his problems, like when he got drunk he said don’t blame me; blame ale of Southwark. Miller acts religious because everything he is saying, he seems to be telling it to god. The Miller was a rude, bad-mannered, and uncivil person. As the Miller tells his story he talks about John the carpenter who was a very clever guy, he stayed to himself and was kind of secretive. I think john was a very smart man he had many books and he loved to read. Nicolas wanted John the carpenter young wife who was only eighteen years old; I don’t blame the man for being so strict and jealous of her. But he shouldn’t have gotten married to a girl that young but from what I read in the book in the following quote he only married her for benefits: "That vulgar man should wed similitude. A man should wed according to estate, For youth and age are often in debate. But now, since he had fallen in the snare, He must endure, like other folk, his care." I think Nicolas only wanted to see if he could get the man’s wife. In the story Nicholas was a little freaky, he tried to come on to John wife, which to me is interesting because I didn’t know people was like that during that time. The woman was saying no but I think she really did want Nicolas because if she didn’t she would’ve told her husband what happened. When Absalom came alone in the story I didn’t think he was go be after John’s wife but he is too. There is a quote in the book that says: "Especially on this carpenter's goodwife. To look at her he thought a merry life, She was so pretty, sweet, and lickerous. I dare well say, if she had been a mouse And he a cat, he would have mauled her some" This quote let’s the reader see how much he really liked Johns wife and what he thought of her. When Absalom played his guitar for Alison I thought he was go get her but, she was so infatuated with Nicholas she won’t worried about Absalom. In the story when john try to question Nicholas I think he should’ve been asking his wife question instead because she wanted Nicholas just as bad as he wanted her. I knew when Nicholas started telling john about the flood that he was up to something sneaky. Since he wanted the carpenters wife why would he tell the carpenter or even warn him unless he was up to something sneaky. It was messed up how Alison sleeped with Nicolas while her husband was asleep. I think that Absalom should tell what’s going on between Nicholas and Alison because it’s not right, but if he just go do what Nicolas doing and try to suduce her then I think neither of them should have her. I think both Nicolas and Abaslom is both crazy because they fighting over a woman that is neither of theirs. And I think it was funny when Nicolas got that hot rod to his butt. I liked the story it was really funny and interesting, I still can’t believe john the carpenter slept through the whole thing.
From this quote I will give three direct evidence of the rules that was broken in the Miller. "Knights strictly obeyed a code of conduct called chivalry, which included their oath of loyalty to their overlord, rules of warfare (like never striking an opponant who was unarmed), and the adoration of a particular lady which may not have been their wife. The adoration of the lady was meant as a means of self-imporvement for the knights, and they would spend their idle hours composing poetry and songs of praise. This gave birth to a new form of poetry: the romance. Though women where highly idealized in Medieval culture, they had very few rights." In this quote it says that the knights where loyal, but in the Miller they wasn’t because Nicolas was trying to get at john’s wife. If he were loyal he would’ve left the man wife alone. When Abaslom stuck the hot fire rod up Nicolas but he violated their rule of striking an unarmed opponent. They also broke another rule in the miller "the adoration of a particular lady which may not have been their wife" both Nicolas and Abaslom was infatuated with someone else wife for their own pleasure which was against the laws of the middle ages.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


The story Beowulf was a very interesting story; it was a bit confusing at the beginning but as I read it I started to like it more. I think Beowulf was a really good guy, he cared a lot about his people and he would do anything to protect them. Beowulf is the type of character I like because everyone looks up to him. I like characters that are role models. Beowulf reminds me a lot of the Anglo-Saxon culture because he was loyal and he wanted to protect Herot from invaders which is how the Anglo-Saxon people were; they were very religious they believed in their own god.
The part that stuck out to me the most would have to be the part when he fought Grendal. I can’t believe he actually cut his head off. I could picture Beowulf in my head with his golden shiny armor cutting up that big beast. I just don’t understand how he did that by his self. But in the reading it says that during the Anglo-Saxon time protection of invaders was the ultimate goal and I believe that after seeing how Beowulf handled things he really wanted to protect his people and I think that’s a good thing to be courageous.

Another I like about the story is that even though it was a poem it was written like a story and that made it easier for me to read. It didn’t rhyme which is a good thing because most rhyming poems are confusing. Beowulf was a strong and courageous man but he should have been more smart and made better choice. I don’t understand how he is so strong. It seems like no matter the situation he conquered. I guess modern time heroes are more risky then the one from today. The story was good and I really liked it because it had action and I like stories that don’t always end so happy. Most stories you read today have happy endings but Beowulf didn’t and that’s why I like it so much.
I like how in the story Wiggle doesn’t leave Beowulf; he sticks by him through everything and lets everyone knows that Beowulf was a really good hero and he died fighting. I think Wiglaf is also a hero because he didn’t run; you can tell he had the Anglo-Saxon culture as well because he seems to be very loyal to his king. It seems that loyalty meant a lot back then and I think that’s a good thing.

Beowulf illustrate the Anglo-Saxon culture very well because he was a great warrior which; later made him become a great king. Anglo-Saxons centerpiece was the warrior tradition, they lifestyle focused a lot on warriors and kings like in Beowulf when he pulled up and greeted the people he said, "I am Hygelac's kinsman and warrior. I have undertaken many glorious deeds." To me this shows how the Anglo-Saxons was thought highly of their self, it also shows how most of all men were warriors or king because it was in there tradition. Beowulf was a great warrior and this quote shows it all: "I have heard that the monster in his recklessness uses no weapons. I, therefore, to amuse Hygelac my lord, scorn to carry sword or shield, but I shall seize my enemy in my hand grip and fight, enemy against enemy, and let God decide who shall be taken by death." I like this quote because it shows how good a warrior Beowulf was and how he would always be down for his people.
Come with your war dress, under your helmets, to see Hrothgar, but let your war shields and wooden spears await the outcome of your talk." This quote has something to do with the Anglo- Saxon culture because during Anglo-Saxon time they wore warrior clothing they were always ready to fight. Beowulf wore this attire when he killed Grendal. All the warrior men during that time wore stuff like helmets, and shields during they every day life. Another good quote that describe their attire is this: The great warrior went, hard under his helmet, until he stood within in his shining coat of mail, his armor-net sewn by smiths. As you can tell from the quote the men had armor on at all times that’s another way you can tell that wearing warrior clothing was in their culture.

The paved road guided the men. Their war-coats shone, the hard locks ringing as they came toward the hall. I choose this quote for direct evidence because in the reading it says that Romans built roads that was walked on everyday. The built walls as well to protect themselves from invaders. I think that was a good idea, but I choose the quote because In Beowulf the roads are still there and I figured since they had these roads during the time Beowulf was there I would use this quote.
The story Beowulf compare to a lot of modern stories I’ve read; for instance superman. Beowulf reminds me of Superman because he thinks he can do anything and he is so brave. Another way they are alike is because most people during they time; looked up to them and thought the best of them. Both superman and Beowulf had bold beliefs they wanted to help people and they didn’t care about the results or consequences. And they both died doing what made them happy and that’s saving people and making their communities better no matter how many bad guys they had to fight. Beowulf is different because he didn’t have the powers that modern hero had.

Like Spiderman can web and fly from building to building, superman can fly and lift heavy things, and then there’s Batman who can fly and change from his super hero outfit in seconds. Beowulf only had his shield, his armor and his sword, which wasn’t as dependable as modern super hero’s powers and defense mechanisms. The quote I’m about to show is from the story Beowulf when he first shows up to Herot and get off his ship: "The paved road guided the men. Their war-coats shone, the hard locks ringing as they came toward the hall. The sea-weary ones set their broad, strong shields against the building's wall, then sat down on benches, their armor resounding. They stood their spears together, ash wood tipped with gray, an iron troop". I choose this quote because as Beowulf get off the ship him and his men have on armor, shields, and spear unlike superman. As I was reading about superman I read a quote that said "Superman's famous arsenal of powers has included: flight, super strength, invulnerability to non-magical attacks of ordinary force.

As well as super-speed, vision powers including x- ray, heat, telescopic, infra-red microscopic vision, super-hearing, and super-breath, which enables him to freeze objects by blowing on them, as well as exert the propulsive force of high-speed winds." As you can see modern heroes and roman heroes are similar but different as well.
I think the way Beowulf died was sad, I think he didn’t deserve to die. After all the good he had done; I feel his soldiers could have at least helped him fight his last battle with the dragon.

Beowulf was at least 80 years old fighting a battle that wasn’t really his. The person who stole from the dragon deserved to be killed not Beowulf. Beowulf die for a stupid cause and that’s nobody fault but his own. He knew he was to old to be fighting a dragon at that age he just had gotten to bold and courageous. It’s a time for being a hero and it’s a time to mind your own business and that’s what Beowulf should have done.
But I think it was real lowdown how his troops and people he helped just let him get killed. Like in this quote: "He who once ruled a nation was encircled by fire; no troop of friends, strong princes, stood around him: they ran to the woodsto save their lives." This quote shows how Beowulf’s people just left him to die. I think Wiglaf is a hero because even though he knew he couldn’t beat the dragon he stayed there beside him the whole time. I like how they honored Beowulf for what he had done. But they must didn’t really honor him because if they did they wouldn’t have left him to die.
In the story Beowulf it was a quote that stated: "He wanted you to build on the site of his pyre a high mound, great and glorious, since he was among warriors the most magnificent, famous throughout the world". I choose this quote because I like the fact they made and effort to keep a remembrance for him. Because even though the soldiers left I think everyone did really love Beowulf but, they didn’t want to get killed and I understand because I probably would have did the same thing. Even though it was wrong that no one stayed to help him; Beowulf made his own choice and that’s his own fault.

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I am very outgoing, I like to be goofy and have fun.