Thursday, October 25, 2007

Act 1 of MacBeth

Act one was mostly an introduction to the characters, so far i like most of the characters. At the beginning of the act they start off talking about some witches. Which caught my eye immediately because the witches were chanting spells. The first Act also introduce the reason tho why they would want to kill Duncan. They want to kill Duncan so Macbeth could become king but they didn't know the witches would soon be telling them what they fore saw happening. Banquo was also introduced he was the thane of Scotland. In one quote it says "thou shalt get kings, though thou be one, so all hail Macbeth and Banquo." this quote shows how the witches predict things that are going to happen.

The most interesting part of act one was when the witches start telling Macbeth that he was going to be king and he's rally shocked. It seemed like he didn't believe them and i don't blame him. I probably would be shocked to if someone approached me telling me my future. I think that now Macbeth know this he will be trying tho live up to what the witches think. I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next.

At the end of act 1 Lady Macbeth tried to manipulate Macbeth into killing the king so he could become king. I think he shouldn't let his wife manipulate him. If she want the king killed she should do it her self. And i think MacBeth is taking the whole situation to serious anyways. I would never kill someone so i can come ahead of them.

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