Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Act 4 Macbeth

In Act 4 the witches inform MacBeth that he really has nothing to worry about because no on who is not born from a woman can kill him. They also told him that he want die till the woods reach his castle so, after they tell him all this he thinks he is out of the woods and he really isn't at all. I think he really have a little to much confidence that he is unstoppable. Jut because fair is foul and foul is fair it doesn't mean he is going to get away with what he has done. He eventually will have to die.

In act 4 Lady MacDuff was very upset with her husband because he has left his family and hasn't even come back for them. Lady Macduff and her family was murdered by murderers hired by Macbeth. I think it is son wrong that Macbeth had Macduff family killed, his family was innocent and had nothing to do with that nonsense. Now that he has done that i think he deserve everything that happens to him and more. While Macduff was off trying to convince Malcolm that Macbeth is a bad man he should have been home with his family protecting them.

In the quote where Malcom says "The grief that does not speak whispers the o'er fraught heart and bids it break" that quote was really sad because he really didn't want to break Macduff heart and tell him that his whole family had been killed. After Malcolm told Macduff he felt so guilty and now him and Malcolm are going to MacBeth to kill him and i can't wait to he's dead. I think after Macbeth is dead Malcolm is going to be a good king.

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