Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Restoration

The Restoration
The Glorious Revolution was about a man name Charles II who had plenty of kids but no heir, which meant no person inherits or has the right to inherits the property of Charles II if he were to die. When he did die in 1685, his brother James II who was a Roman Catholic replaced him. Most people were positively against James because during this time it was believed that Roman Catholics had set fire to London and caused many other disasters. They also believed that Roman Catholics wanted to hand the country to the pope. So when James II and his queen had a son who would become a Catholic heir, which mean there would be more pressure on their family. The pressure became so bad on them that in 1688 the fled to France. He left willingly and that way there was no bloodshed. Because there was no bloodshed the Glorious Revolution was also called "Bloodless Revolution" So after he left the Glorious Revolution was basically over because all the people wanted for him to be gone and for a catholic not to rule over them.

The reason it was so important is because during this time the people believed that Catholics actually set fire to London, which was not true at all. Because the people believed this they didn’t want as catholic king. They believed if a catholic king ruled then the pope would actually be ruling because the pope was in control. It’s also important because if King Charles had not left he would have been killed and it wouldn’t have been pretty, they probably would have chopped his head of or something. I think him leaving only made him the bigger person and also saved him as well.

Satire is when you use a word to express something different or something opposite of their literal meaning. Satire can also be described when you use sarcasm or you mock someone with smart remarks that may be offensive to them. It can also be when you ridicule someone by actions or words in a way that will intentionally hurt them. Satire can be described as putting someone on the spot or announcing something about someone publicly. So it’s basically laughing or being mean to someone on purpose and mocking.

The show Punk’d is a good example because on the show they are cunning people and pulling pranks on them. Since they doing it on purpose to get a laugh out of it, then that’s a good example of satire. On the show Ashton Kutcher pull real life scenarios on these celebrities and he actually be pranking them and watching their reaction on camera, then when the situation start getting serious or everyone has gotten a laugh the people say you have been Punk’d. Another show is Chapelle show, on the Chapelle show they do the same thing. Dave Chapelle be mocking celebrities and making shows about controversial stuff like racism and stuff.

He did one show where there was a white man and he was blind. The blind man in the scenario thought he was white but he was black. So he was going around saying white power, and then at a meeting he found out that he was a black man, it was so funny. The movie Scary Movie is another example of satire because the whole movie is about mocking other movies like the movie the Others and Scream. The characters in other scary movies but they make it funny. A Modest Proposal is a good example of satire because the author is basically slanting people and talking about them. He talks about them publicly and say terrible things about them. He talks about how the women walk around begging with lots of children following behind them. He talks about how the women occupation is begging and how the kids will grow up to be thieves or fight in war. It also is a good example because he is mocking and picking on people. He also is joking around, like when he stated that a one-year-old is delicious and nourishing and good brewed or roasted. The whole story he is basically mocking and talking about people and things that he has deserved, but he is doing it in a funny comedic way that will make you laugh.

When I first started reading the diary of Samuel Pepys it really caught my attention. On the first day of his journal a man name Major General Harrison was hanged in front of a lot of people and everyone was cheering as if they were happy. It seem like people during this time believed in an eye for an eye because in one part it stated" Thus it was my chance to see the King be-headed at Whitehall and to see the first blood shed in revenge for the blood of the king". From what I’ve read it seem like the man was be-headed because of something he did to the king" Samuel seems to have nothing to do everyday, because he walks around all day and does nothing. He went to the town tavern and chilled. His journal didn’t start getting interesting until the first day of the Great Fire of London. In the text he described it, as a great fire so it must was huge. During the fire more than 300 houses was burned down. The fire must o moved rapidly because everyone was moving all their goods as quickly as possible.

In Samuel Journal the people seem to be very carefree and happy. Every day in Samuel journal he was a happy it seemed like he had no worries. For example the day of the London fire people was just waking around all carefree. In the journal there is a quote that says " People staying in their houses as long as till the very fire touched them" As the fire moved along the people didn‘t panic at all.

Samuel had heard about the fire and he just got up and wen t to visit a friend like nothing was wrong, I thought that was kind of weird. In this quote it shows how carefree Samuel was about the fire "I rose, and slipped on my nightgown and went to her window, and thought it to be on the backside of Mark Lane at the furthest;" this quote shows who he wasn’t even a little bit worried, because during this big major fire he was visiting his friend and acting like he had no worries in the world.I think it’s so cool how everyone in the town just is stress free. I wish I could be like that. I would love if our town was like that…. drama and stress free but we know that will never happen. Samuel seemed to enjoy his life everyday. He walked around and chilled with the bishops and he went to the tavern to chill. The other cool thing about the town is that even though they were all going through a crisis they were all still holding ground and not worrying about the fire that could be destroying them right now.

1 comment:

D a n a said...

Nice work here. I especially like your examples of Satire. The Chapelle show is a great modern example, especially when you point out that he satirizes racists by pretending to be one himself.

The skit you mentioned was one of my favorites -- especially when his hood falls off and it makes that other man's head explode.

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