Monday, December 11, 2006


I have decided to do my persuasive writing on why I think T.I is better than lil Wayne. Me personally love T.I because he the most realest rapper out there. I can relate to all his songs. I might haven’t been through everything that he has, but I have seen a lot. And I know people who have been through some of the stuff that he talks about in his lyrics. Lil Wayne is an okay rapper he always talking bout money, cars, and girls. And I’m tired of hearing about that. Because that’s what all the rappers rap about now.
T.I is the best rapper because he is one of those rappers that rap about stuff that can help you get through something or it be a song you just can really relate to. One of his songs I liked a lot that helped was his song motivation. The song basically is saying don’t worry about your haters, let them motivate you instead. On of the lines from the songs that I really liked is when he say “If God with me, who could be against me sucka? Can't make me suffer, just make me tougher” at the end of his song motivation.
In all lil Wayne songs he just keep talking about money. If we know you got money rap about something else. For instance his song “Money On My Mind” it just keep repeating “Money money on my mind So money is all I think of” It’s okay to have money and be glad that you got it but it don’t have to be the only thing you rap about. I might would like his music better if he change the subject he raps about. Another I love T.I is because no matter what he hasn’t forgot where he from and he represent where he from to the fullest. Some of these rappers get money and forget about their hood. But, not T.I he gives back to his community. Like during hurricane Katrina he took initiative and donated 50,000 to relief efforts, while leading an on air Labor Day pledge drive on Atlanta's V-103 FM that raised over $263,000 for Mississippi rapper David Banner's 'Heal the Hood' Foundation. In addition to his Hurricane Katrina effort in Atlanta, which provided scholarships for single parent families at Boys and Girls Clubs.
Lil Wayne gives back to but, he act like he has forgot where he from. He thinks just because he gives money back he doing something. T.I gets involved when he gives money. Don’t just give someone money to show off. The money and fame has changed him a lot. I know that if I go big I would never forget about Bethel Homes Projects because I was born and raised there. And I have peoples there that really need help. And I would give back whatever I can to help.
I also love T.I because he is a businessman. He doesn’t only rap to make his money. He basically is an entrepreneur. He has his own record label Grand Hustle and he also has his own group PSC. I think that being a entrepreneur is a good choose because if he not selling than he will still have another way to make money and he will never be broke. He will always have something to fall back on. He also owns his own club in Atlanta called Vision. He makes a lot of money off of that.
Lil Wayne doesn’t do to much on the side he basically puts out CD’s and wait for his sells. His father Baby of Cash Money Records makes all the money for him. He doesn’t have his own label like T.I. because he still under his father wing. T.I handles his own business he doesn’t need no one to back him up.
The biggest reason I love T.I is because he doesn’t care what people think. He says what he want when he get ready. And if you don’t like it too bad. He also doesn’t let the government keep him from getting money. It seems like every time he turns around they trying to lock him up but he doesn’t let that stop him. One time when he was locked up he just recorded his video in jail and made more money than he would’ve made if he shot it in the streets. Even though he has probation seven years he don’t let that stop him from getting money. The media and public in general are trying to stop him from rising to the top but he doesn’t let them, he always keeps going.
That’s how it is with me it seems like all these haters don’t want me to be nothing. But I do like T.I I keep dong good just to see them mad. I’m the type of person who don’t cares what no one thinks or say about me.
So basically to sum it all up I’m just really in love with T.I. he is a great rapper and a good role model for us young people. He might have made mistakes in his life but that’s okay because everybody makes mistakes. As long as he learnt something from his mistakes and did something positive with it than I’m go always have love for him. T.I is a good example that sometimes good things come from something bad. He probably never thought he would be where he at today. That’s how I feel about the situation I’m in right now. After all the skipping school and doing whatever I wanted to do. It led to me being at Classic City. I never would’ve thought I would be sitting in this chair right now doing work but I am. I just really love and respect T.I and he will always be one of my most favorite rappers regardless of what others say or think about him. Because to me he will always be the “KING OF THE SOUTH” So if you like to listen to a real and honest rapper then you need to be blasting T.I

Sunday, December 10, 2006


The topic I choose to write about is called Harlem Renaissance. I choose to write about this because this the time period where African Americans where known for more than being slaves they were known fro their knowledge and the hard work they did to form what is known today as the Harlem Renaissance. I think during the Harlem Renaissance people realized that African Americans were capable of great writing and thoughts.
I also choose this topic because during this time African Americans were going through enough problems already, they finally had figured out that America was not the American Dream they thought it would be so they would write about things that they saw as the American Dream in their mind. I expect to see the Harlem Renaissance in the literature I’m about to read because Harlem Renaissance is nothing but modernism since modernism is basically when arts and styles and literature begun during the 20th century. I think Harlem Renaissance is one of the best times of Modernism because there was so much great work out then that is still great today.
I really liked the story I read by Zora Hurston it was kind of a sad story. I didn’t like how they used different words that I didn’t understand but I really enjoyed the story a lot. I think it was wrong how Delia was treated by her husband. I understand why the story is called “Sweat” because she went through a lot of tears and sweat to get where she at. And all the tears and sweat got her everything that she has earned.
I don’t see how she could be married to a man like her husband anyway. I know I wouldn’t be with a disrespectful and abusive. I think she was a strong woman because she continues her work and went through tears and sweat no matter what. Her husband Syke was a very low down man I couldn’t believe it when he showed her that snake and he know she was terrified of snakes. I was so glad when the snake bit him. I think he really deserved it. The whole story was sad but good. I think Zora Hurston wrote this story because she went through it before herself.
The topic I choose has a lot to do with this because the story “Sweat” was written by one of the Harlem Renaissance greatest Zora Hurston. The story is a good example of Harlem Renaissance because it shows that even blacks that was once slaves has a story to tell and I kind of feel that is basically what the Harlem Renaissance was, black people who came from nothing expressing their self and their experience through words like Zora Hurston did in “Sweat”.

Another reason I think it relates is because Harlem Renaissance was basically a time period of great literature and Zora Hurston “Sweat” is a good example. One of the quotes I like from the story that describes the story title well is when Delia says: “Looka heah, Sykes, you done gone too fur. Ah been married to you fur fifteen years, and Ah been takin' in washin' for fifteen years. Sweat, sweat, sweat! Work and sweat, cry and sweat, pray and sweat!” I think this is the best quote in the book because it basically tells why the story is called “Sweat”.
I think the quote means that out of all the years she been working hard and sweating her husband still don’t appreciate her. And I really do understand where she coming from. Another good quote from the story is “She lay there. "Delia. Delia!" She could hear Sykes calling in a most despairing tone as one who expected no answer”. I really liked this quote because I think this is when what he did to his wife seem to have turned back on him.
I was glad when this happened because he deserved it.

The poem Richard Corey by Edwin Robinson was another good modernism poem because it was about the American Dream that everybody thought that the guy in the poem had but he obviously didn’t because in the end he kills his self. After reading the poem you would think the guy had everything he wanted in life because everyone admired him and the stuff he did, but that’s just another example of Harlem Renaissance because during this time people was going through so much and the wanted to write and think about more happy things than what was going on like slavery and depression. One of my favorite from the poem is “Went home and put a bullet through his head.” I like this line because it states and prove that life is not always the American Dream and what looks good on the outside is not always good on the inside.

The poem “Mending wall” seems to be about the someone or something being apart or separated from eachother. The poem was very confusing but, I liked it after I read it. I think the wall in the poem was interfering with the neighbors relationship. But, I think it is the wall that mended them together. I think both neighbors had different feeling about the wall . One feels that since the wall is up it interferes with their friendship. One neighbor believes that the wall is a sense of privacy, but it does not interfere with the two neighbor’s friendship. But, either way the wall is a mending wall of interference that is getting on both neighbors nerves. Mending Wall is a good example of Phychoanalysis. I say this because from the poem it seem like that people thought they knew what he was thinking but they didn’t and Phychoanalysis basically is when the writer is getting in the reader mind. The quote I enjoyed the most from “Mending Walls” is “And set the wall between us once again.” I like this poem because it shows how much the wall was an interference that annoyed both neighbors but at the same time mended them together.

The poem “A Dream Deffered” is a very good poem. I have seen this poem once before when I read the book “A Raisin in the Sun” I really like this poem because it is basically saying when you don’t fullfil your dreams they just explode. And I think that is very true. In the poem it gives examples of what could happen to a dream if it is not fulfilled it could dry up like a raisin in the sun, Or fester like a sore And then run, Or crust and sugar over like a syrupy sweet, or explode. This poem to me is an example of Harlem Renaissance because Langston Hughes is one of the greatest writers of Harlem Renaissance and this poem is a great example of good literature. One of my favorite quotes is “Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun” I like this poem because it actually describes what happen to a dream that is not fulfilled.
I really liked the poem The Negro Speaks of Rivers because in the poem he talks about all the places he has seen and people who read this would think he lying because most black people during that time didn’t see to much of nothing. The poem is an example of Disillusionment because disillusionment is basically freeing oneself, or getting away from an illusion and that seem like what he doing in the poem thinking about the great places he has seen. The quote that backs this up is “My soul has grown deep like the rivers” To me this is a good example because he is comparing his life with long rivers and I really liked the comparisons.
The poem Incident was short and interesting. I liked the poem because after going all around Baltimore all he remembers is being called a nigger. I also think that it’s very sad that from a good expierience that all he remember. The qoute “That's all that I remember”. Is my favorite quote from the poem because it sum up the whole incident and basically say that’s all he remembered.
I really enjoyed all the poems because they all were good examples of modernism and they all were easy and very understanding.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


The story "A story of the Hour" was a sad story I was confused at first but now that I understand it is very sad. In the story after her sister told her that her husband had died in an accident she was very shocked and sad. It seems like she couldn’t stop weeping. After looking over the story it seem like her grief was so strong that she needed to b alone so she went to her room. As she sat in her room and went into a daze she saw a lot around her. She watched the pretty spring trees and she smelt the smell of rain in the air. She also could hear a peddler crying. She heard a hymn in her ear. As she dazed out her window filled with grief she saw the beautiful clouds.
As I read the story it seems like she just sitting in her room alone with her head laid back on her chair and all she can do is sob. She is motionless and the only time she moves is when she sobs from crying so many tears.

The writer gives good detail of how bad it has effected her. Like when he say she was young with a calm face but now there is a dull stare in her ryes as she gaze away at the pretty skies. As she sits back in the chair it finally hits her what has happened. That’s when she starts feeling like something has possessed her. Her heart starts to beat fast and she feels powerless. To me it seems like she about to have heart attack. It seems like she is grieving real badly. In the story she keep saying "free body and free soul" I think that meant she wanted to die, like she had given up since she thought her husband was dead. After her sister comes in and they walk downstairs and she sees her husband standing there and he not dead I think that was to much for her, that’s why she had the heart attack. I think if they would have hide him and broke the news to her that he was alive and it was a mistake, then none of this probably wouldn’t have took place.

This story is a great example of realism because for one it paints out a good picture of what is happening. When your reading you actually feel like your there. It is just like looking at a photo and describing everything you see in it. A great example of realism in the story is when she is sitting in front of the window and describing everything she see. To me that’s realism because you didn’t have to use your imagination you knew exactly what was happening form all the good detail.
From reading the story to me a social issue she wants to solve is denial. I say that because she writes to represent the real things that are happening in life. She doesn’t sugarcoat anything she wants everything to be seen and she doesn’t leave out any details. I like that because that way I know what the character in the story really felt and what she saw and heard around her. I like this realism already because the word explains it all. Mostly everything about it is real from beginning to the end.

The story the battle with Mr. Convey was a very emotional story to me I felt really sorry for Freddrick Douglas after reading it. But, I now have more respect for what the slaves went through back then. From the details in the story he lived a terrible life while being Convey slave. He worked hard every day, rain, sleet or snow. He felt broken body soul and spirit, being a slave had seemed to make him depressed. He didn’t have the spark in his eye that he used to have before he became a slave. He lived I a bad environment everything around him made him feel like a lesser man. He had free time on Sunday but didn’t enjoy it because he was so weary from working hard all weak. A good example of realism in this story is when he says "You have seen how a man was made a slave; you shall see how a slave was made a man". I choose this because this quote is real. Slavery really changed him and made him more a man than he was before. At least that what it seem like. When he stood up to his master that’s when I really knew slavery had changed him. I think he had just got fed up with it.

The social issue he trying to change is being slavery. I choose that because in the story it seems like he is trying to give people the real picturer of what happened during slavery and all the things he went through during that period. If he would have never told this story we would never know what happened. He just like Chopin he wanted people to see the real picture of what he went through, he didn’t leave noting out he put every detail in there. His story is another good example of realism because not only do he give great detail he makes you feel what he felt. You can picture him and his slave owner fighting. I could see him walking to see his master as he sweats in pain. The whole story was great realism and I enjoyed it very much.

I think the purpose of writing this is to inform readers. He wanted people to know what happened to him when he was a slave. Most people, who think of slavery, think of black people working in the hot sun picking cotton. But if they read this they get a better insight and see the real pain and torture slaves went through during that time period. He was real honest and descriptive and after I read it I had a different outlook on slavery.
A good example of realism to me is the movie Boys don’t cry. The movie starred Hillary Swank who played a boy and girl one name Brandon and one name Teena.

The story is about the life of Brandon Teena, a transgendered teen who preferred life in a male identity until it was discovered he was born biologically female. In movie Brandon is a popular and fun guy who is new to a small town inn Nebraska. He do all the stuff guys do like smoking, drinking, and getting girls. He didn’t get a problem until he started dating a popular girl name Lana, who didn’t know her boyfriend was real her girlfriend. After a friend told, Lana brother and family didn’t approve. After the discovery he is betrayed, humiliated, raped, and murdered.
To me that’s a good example of realism because people in society don’t think this could actually happen to someone but it can. There are many people out there who was born like Brandon and they can’t help all they can do is except it. But because he was different he was killed.

In the scene in the movie when she told her girlfriend she was really a girl and her girlfriend became shocked that’s a good example of realism because if you see the movie the movie was so graphic and it didn’t leave you wondering it showed everything. It’s also realism because it’s something that people don’t want to know about. They want to deny it or look passed it, but they don’t know it’s only causing stuff like this to happen. People today need to stop trying to look at the good picture instead of the real one. And with realism that’s what there doing not leaving out anything good or bad.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Dark Romantics

Nathaniel Hawthorne would be against transcendental philosophy because Transcendentalist believed that institutions like the government or organized religion were not effective. And Nathaniel Hawthorne great grandfather was a judge in the Salem witchcraft trials during Puritan times. So that would be against their beliefs because the government shouldn’t be able to choose what’s right or what’s wrong. He also probably would be against it because Transcendentalist believed everyone was pure but it seems that he not.
Herman Melville would be against it because Transcendentalist believed that all humans were pure and obviously he didn’t believe that if he writing books about a man wanting to kill a whale who bite off his leg. He also would disagree because Transcendentalist went with their intuition and it states that he wanted to be a writer. A Transcendentalist would have done what they wanted because they would’ve thought it was a
sign from god.

Edgar Allen Poe would most definitely disagree with the Transcendentalist He wasn’t pure at all he had three wives and was an alcoholic. Plus all the characters he wrote about were evil in some kind of way. Since he Dark Romantics believed in Original Sin he probably thought what he was writing about and doing was okay because they thought everyone was born evil.
I think I’m a little of both. But I’m more for the Transcendentalist beliefs because. I agree with a lot of their beliefs. I believe that everyone was born pure and not evil. God doesn’t put anybody in the world to be evil. If a person is evil it’s because they choice to become that way.
I also believe god speak through our mines because sometimes before I do something bad I hear this little voice saying "Michelle don’t do that" and I Think that it be god warning me that what I’m about to do is not right. Another one of their beliefs I agree with is the one about government. The government shouldn’t make choices bout what’s right and wrong because their humans like us why should they have the right to say who is right and who is wrong.

The story Black Cat was crazy it really didn’t make any since. It was mostly bout this crazy man who killed a cat and his wife. I think the man was very physco. He didn’t think before he did things and after he did them he felt no remorse. The story shows some good examples of how the Dark Romantics disagreed with Transcendentalist because Edgar Allen Poe story was so evil. The transcendentalist would have never thought bad thoughts like that. They would be against that because they believed God wouldn’t send them bad thoughts.
They thought everything was so pure. But the Dark Romantics wanted to prove them wrong by showing that people really can think evil things and they also can do evil stuff. The Dark Romantics wanted to show that they actually believed people were not pure that everyone one was born evil. He showed that a lot when he killed his cat. And when he started getting drunk. After he killed his wife I really thought he was insane. If the Dark Romantics wanted to show that people were insane then they did a really good job with this story.

There was some good direct textual evidence in the story like when he came home from a night out and took his cat by the throat and stabbed his eye out with a knife. That’s a good example of Dark Romantics because they wanted to show that a person could be bad and they could think about doing bad stuff. I think after someone read this book they wouldn’t believe what the transcendentalist thought about all people being pure.

One day she accompanied me, upon some household errand, into the cellar of the old building which our poverty compelled us to inhabit. The cat followed me down the steep stairs, and, nearly throwing me headlong, exasperated me to madness. Uplifting an axe, and forgetting, in my wrath, the childish dread which had hitherto stayed my hand, I aimed a blow at the animal which, of course, would have proved instantly fatal had it descended as I wished. But this blow was arrested by the hand of my wife. Goaded, by the interference, into a rage more than demoniacal, I withdrew my arm from her grasp and buried the axe in her brain. She fell dead upon the spot, without a groan. This is a good example of direct textual evidence it shows how a man could just become insane and kill someone he loves, its also another example that prove the transcendentalist wrong about people being pure.

The poem The Raven is a good poem I didn’t really understand it at first but when I did I found it very interesting and sad. The story is about a man who wife dies and he feels sad and he finds out that the sadness will never leave. In the story there was a black raven at his door, which represents sadness that never went away. One of the lines that stuck out to me the most is "NeverMore" because at first I didn’t know what it meant. But after I read it I liked the word because it symbolized that sadness will never leave his heart no matter what he do.
The poem was very intense and really crazy at first I thought it was stupid but know I just think it was sad because he lost his wife and now he is has to live with it for the rest of his life.

The poem represents an anti-Transcendental idea because transcendentalist wouldn’t have believed or thought that a human being would think such terrible thoughts. They thought that all humans thought pure and that they were so innocent. But the Dark Romantics are showing how that some people do really think crazy stuff. And even if someone is pure they should be able to think unpure when they are going through something such as a family member death. Transcendentalist wouldn’t be insane like the Dark Romantics. Because they seem to be godlier like people than The Dark Romantics because they kill people and think crazy thoughts. I think they both are alike but the Dark Romantics just wants to show people they everyone has a bad side.

Edgar Allen Poe parents, David Poe Jr. and Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins, were touring actors; both died before he was 3 years old, and he was taken into the home of John Allan, a prosperous merchant in Richmond, Virginia and baptized Edgar Allan Poe. Poe next took up residence in Baltimore with his widowed aunt, Maria Clemm, and her daughter, Virginia, and turned to fiction as a way to support himself.
Virginia's death in January 1847 was a heavy blow, but Poe continued to write and lecture. In the summer of 1849 he revisited Richmond, lectured, and was accepted anew by the fiancée he had lost in 1826. After his return north he was found unconscious on a Baltimore street. In a brief obituary the Baltimore Clipper reported that Poe had died of "congestion of the brain."

I can see why he wrote the stuff he wrote because he really went through a lot when he was younger. That explains why his poems were so intense and full with anger because if both my parents died when I was three I would be sad and intense to. If my moms die I probably would be mad at the world. I can believe he grew up without a mom that can really mess a child up.
Now I understand why he wrote the Raven. He went through a lot when he lost his wife Virginia. He actually really loved her and it killed him inside that she was gone, because he knew he would never see her again. So now I see what the bird in the Raven stood for and I understand why he writes the stuff he did, because he went through a lot of trials and tribulations.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


The writing Nature by Ralph Emerson didn’t really make any sense to me until I read it a couple times. I think it was talking about being alone and loving nature. It talked about how he view nature. He thinks that people don’t appreciate nature or see it like he does which to me that is true. For instance when he talks about the sun and the stars appearing one night in a thousand years. If that happened people wouldn’t be able to enjoy them. So since the stars come out every night people appreciate them more and realize that nature is something that can be inaccessible but since we do have it appreciate it. The writing states that we speak of nature as if it’s nothing and don’t realize that the many natural objects makes up nature for example the landscape that a farm sit on is nature.

But the people who own it don’t think of it as that they probably look at it as property that is going to help them invest. The writing also states " few adults can see nature" I think the reason for that is after they grow older they loss interest in what’s around them. They have more important things to focus on instead such as work and bills. The writing says that a child notice nature more and I think that’s true because children don’t have any worries. Children get to live carefree and since they have nothing to worry about they notice the nature around them more then adults because they have the time to explore and enjoy nature.
The writing Self-Reliance to me was about a man becoming a man. Self-Reliance pointed out that when you envy someone it’s just ignorant don’t envy other’s do something that would make others envy you. The writing stated that a man must believe in himself through to good and bad times and when he gives up that’s just like he is committing suicide. When the writing stated that "no kernel or nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till". That line is so true I think it’s saying that no man is going to have nothing-good come to him without hard work and time. I think the writing would be very motivated for man if they read it. So to sum it up the writing was interesting and was basically saying being self- reliance is a good quality for all men to have. And when ever you’re misunderstood that’s good because the greatest men in history were misunderstood, such as Socrates and Jesus.

Resistance To Civil Government talks about how some governments is fit to be in charge, but there are others that are not. Thoreau’s states that " a majority normally rules over minority because they are the strongest. He feels that there should be a government in which majorities don’t decide right and wrong and I think he is right. Everyone should have say on how his or her government is run. That’s why I can’t wait until I’m eighteen so I can have say on what’s happening with my government. I don’t think it was right that he got locked up because I feel a person shouldn’t have to pay taxes if they don’t have say on their government. Thoreau’s is right about the government free and enlightened until people realize that no individual is higher than all and when a individual get power they shouldn’t abuse it.
Nature is a good example of Transcendentalists because it shows the belief that god could communicate through nature and a persons intuition. Which means that they thought god spoke to them through nature and what they felt in their heart. So in Nature when he says, "In presence of nature, a wild delight runs through the man, in spite of real sorrows. That’s a good example cause he is stating that no matter what’s going on or happening in the presence of nature and good in speaking there still is a reason to feel delighted. And I think that is very true sometimes I feel so sad and I don’t want be bothered but if it’s hot out side and the sun is shining, I feel better and want chill with my friends.
Self- Reliance is a good example of Transcendentalists because it shows an example of the belief god spoke to people through hard work. When he says,
"No kernel or nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till". That’s a real good example because when a man work hard he feels like god is going to let something good happen to him in due time, but only if he works hard and give it time. I do believe in that because it seems like every time I work hard and focus I always get something back. It might take awhile to get it but as long as it comes I’m happy.
Henry Thoreau "Resistance To Civil Government" is another good example of Transcendentalists. Because it shows the belief that institutions like government or organized religion were not effective. A good example of the belief is when he was arrested for not paying his tax for six years. That’s a good example to me because Transcendentalists believed that they shouldn’t have to pay tax because in their heart they thought if they paid tax it would be going to stuff that they didn’t want or believe in such as slavery or war. I feel the same way I wouldn’t want to pay tax for something I didn’t believe in.

Chris, a college senior, has just been accepted to the best law school in the country. His parents, Sheila, his wife, and his brothers and sisters are very excited for Chris since he has wanted to become a lawyer for his entire life. Chris isn't so excited though. He has realized that he would rather be a high school teacher than be a lawyer. Chris would have to go back to school to get his teaching certificate. If I were in the same position as Chris I would do what I wanted to do.
Why would you do something that you weren’t interested in that would be stupid? If you do what others want you to do than you wouldn’t be happy. So if I were in his position I would become a teacher. Transcendentalists would be happy with my decision because they believed every person should go with what they feel in their heart. On the blog there is a line that states
"They also believed that God could communicate to people through nature and a persons intuition". And I think that’s correct because I always go with my intuition and when I do it mostly be right and when it do I think that it be from god.

Another good example is when Henry was locked away for not paying his taxes. The reason he didn’t was because in his heart he felt that he didn’t have to so he went with what he felt inside.
I like the Transcendentalists ways and belief they make more sense than what the rationalist and puritan believed. I also understood it a little better.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Communities In The School Has Helped Me ALOT!!!

The communities in schools have done plenty for me. If Classic City PLC wasn’t built, I probably would be at home right now laying down watching talk shows. Coming to school has always been hard for me because I can’t sit in a class all day and listen to teachers lecture. I used to think school was so boring and confusing. At the school I used to go to the teachers didn’t give you one on one time and you would have to follow their pace. I’m a good worker, but I like to work at my own pace and do work when I’m ready to move on. At my old school the teachers would teach so fast and I would get confused. They didn’t have tutors or mentors. They had after school but that did me no good because I had to work everyday.

So I started failing all my classes and I stopped going to school. Then I heard about Classic City, a small community school. I had heard it would be a good school for me. Because they work on pace and the teachers are one on one. Plus you get treated like young adults instead of little children. Classic City has helped me be more focused and determined. I’m so glad communities in schools built this school because it gives me hope for a better future. It makes me think that maybe I can be the first in my community to move up out the projects and graduate so I can do something with my self instead of sell drugs or end up in jail. Communities in schools motivates me and make me want to graduate. The community who helped built this school has really made school better for me. I’m thankful that I have the opportunity to attend Classic City.

One if the big reasons I’m glad that Classic City was built is because in all your classes you know what you have to do. Even if you’re absent you know, because they give you a pacing guide. I think that helps me so much and makes it easier for me to work. At Classic City we work on computers all day, but I think that’s good because I rather do Nova Net than, write notes all day. Writing notes has never really helped me. The communities in schools also provides tutors in mentors at this school. I think that will help me out greatly because I do better when someone work with me one on one. Even though I’m not pregnant I still think it’s good that they are now providing the mothers with early child care programs.

The communities in the schools have also given me a second chance to rethink my choice about dropping out. Last year when I found out that I need nine credits to graduate, I thought my life was over, so I started hanging in the streets every day. I wanted a diploma but I didn’t want to be in 10th grade classes with 10th graders. I was riding the bus one day and I saw a poster that said if you want to go to a non- traditional school and get your credits then come to classic city and become a star. I got so excited because I knew that I didn’t have to give up on myself because there was another school that could help me. I was glad when Mr. Hunter told me I would be attending school in the fall. The Communities in the School made all this possible for me by believing and caring about young people like me and people who want to do something with their lives.

Now that the Communities in the school has built Classic City PLC I have a better chance for a better future, and instead of hoping, I can actually do what’s important to me and follow my dreams. There is a big difference in my life now that I’m at Classic City. I now care about to school and what might happen to me in the future. I know I’ve messed up many times but now I have a second chance to prove myself. All I want is to make my family and myself proud of me. I’m tired of everybody thinking I want be nobody. But since the school in the community has built Classic City I can prove all the haters wrong and finally get my credits and Graduate.

The Coldest Winter Ever

The Book I've Been reading is called the clodest winter ever. It's about a teenage girl name Winter who lives in the projects in Brooklyn. She live with her mother and father Santiga who is a big drug dealer in they communiy.Which mean they have money and everyone envy them. She has to 3 sisters lexy. porche, and mercedes. The story is basically about a family that had everything and then lost it. In the book Winter father got busted and the government seized everything they had. They arrested her motherr and took all her childeren. Winter had no where to go so she started using what she had to get what she want. She was in love with one of her fathers workers name midnight but he didn'y want her. Fianlly she got put in a group home. But thst didn't last long cause she had to runaway cause someone wanted to kill her. Thats when she met sister souljah a well known motivational speecher. She lived ther for a while until she stole from her, then she ran away with a boy she like dfrom her hood. He got her arrested and she had to serve alot of time. Her father is in Riker's Prison with out posibility of parole, and her mother is a crackhead who died at the end. They whole family feel apart. Her father worker Midnight took the kid s and rasised them. Because they had no mother, no father, not even a big sister to look up to. The book was good it shows what can happen to a family and how much you can lose. I liked the book cause stuff like that really happens where i come from and the book just made me feel thankful for all the stuff i have.

Monday, October 02, 2006


I really enjoyed the story of Rip Van Wrinkle. It was very interesting at first I was kind of confused because I didn’t know what was going on. But then it got better. Irving Washington has to have a big imagination to write this story. I see why it’s called a romanticism story, because everything about this story was imaginative and adventurous. The story grabs my attention more than the Ben Franklin autobiography.
When he woke up and didn’t recognize where he was I thought he was just dreaming. I would have never thought he sleep 20 years through a war. Even though I know this can’t happen, that makes it more fun. I felt that Irv was trying to give readers something more fun to read. Back when he wrote this book people probably wasn't as fun. I believe they probably were boring. I think this would be a good book to read as a bedtime story.

I bet Rip felt all alone and very confused. I couldn’t imagine my self sleeping 20 years and waking up clueless. If it happened to me I would have panicked. Feeling alone is the worst feeling you can have. I think the story ended well but he should’ve added some more. I was glad when he found his daughter and soon. When his daughter let him move in I was relieved cause I like stories that has happy endings and Rip Van Wrinkle is one of them stories.
Mostly everything about the story was romantic. The reason I say this is because the scenes in the story is only stuff we would imagine happening, but would never actually happen. The book shows romanticism by talking bout ordinary people. I think the big imagination is what makes the story romantic to me. A good example of direct evidence of romanticism is when Rip wakes up and everything around him is different.

For example his daughter is grown with her own child. I choose this because, everyone knows no person can fall asleep for twenty years and then wake up looking the same, but have everyone and everything around them different.
Another good example in the story is when the president changed. Before he went to sleep George III was in charge then when he wakes up George Washington was in office. The book had good direct evidence it showed how irv imagined things. "Rip bethought himself a moment, and inquired, "Where's Nicholas Vedder?"" This is a good example of direct textual evidence because when Rip walks around and notices everything has changed and he sees that the people he once knew lived in his town is no longer there.

And the ones that are still there are older while he still his young self. That to me is a good example of Romanticism because everything about that is imagination because in reality a man could never sleep 20 years and wake up still young.
I think the poem Thanatopsis is talking about nature and the way it looks or makes us feel when we feel happy or sad. Nature can be beautiful or it can be very ugly depending on how we are. In the poem he describes nature as a woman. I think he Basically is talking about going to heaven or to the other world in which the dead go he says you will not be alone they're kings and farmers in the same place so don’t think that you are leaving and you will be the only one their. To me it seems to be saying that if you are with god you should surround yourself with nature.

He also states that death isn’t something we should fear. Which makes me think he loved living in the beautiful or ugly nature but he is not afraid to die. This poem to me is saying nature tells us different things at different times. When we are having good times, nature relates to that. When we are having bad times, nature is willing to help us through our problems instead of God. In the poem when he say "She has a voice of gladness, and a smile And eloquence of beauty, and she glides Into his darker musings," That’s a good example of textual evidence because it is describing nature as if it was a woman like it’s not real or something.

The Romantic thing about the poem is that it is imaginative. During the whole poem he uses personification for example when he says "she has a voice of gladness, and a smile and eloquence of beauty" he is say she like it’s a girl or a woman. The poem was not very adventurous like the book Rip Van Wrinkle it seems very emotional. I really liked the poem, I had to read it over and over again to understand but I enjoyed it.
The point of the poem Rope Walk is to give readers an idea of what he was thinking in his mind. He wanted the reader to see and imagine what he was imagining. He was basically drawing a picture of his thoughts and ideas of what could happen while the rope was being made.

The image that stand out to me the most is "Two fair maidens in a swing, Like white doves upon the wing," When he said that I thought about little girls in little white dresses with curly hair playing on a home made swing made out of rope and wood. With their hair bouncing up and down, while sun shining on them. The Rope Walk is a good example of romanticism because it’s very imaginative and the writer is telling what he was thinking and feeling at the time.
The painting on Blog is a good example because it’s a very emotional when you look at the picture it gives you a certain feeling. It makes you want to be there. It seems like an unreal place where nobody goes. A place that someone would imagine only in their head. But they now they will never be able to go there and experience it for themselves.
The picture I choose is a good example of romanticism because it shows a very imaginative place .It also shows natural beauty and nature. The picture makes your mind thinkd and make you wonder who lives there. Back during romanticism period people would've needed pictures like this, so they can imagine being in a more better and calming place.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


The difference between rationalist and puritans is, all rationalist deny the doctrine of total depravity. Rationalist wanted freedom of will. When rationalism started things had changed from the puritan days. The colonial setting were growing and developing. Although disunited by geography and religion, hopes and promises of the new land united the colonies. Rationalist believed god is the creator because of the evidence of creation. Puritans believed Jesus died for chosen one and not for everyone. Puritans also felt man was evil. Rationalist felt man was both good and bad, they felt that man could improve himself with education. More importance was given to scientific reasoning than god’s wrath. The puritan reasons for everything that happen in life was bout god.

An example of Puritanism today would be someone believing that god is the reason for everything that happens and that if he wants you to live he will save you. People today still think that way. That’s why people pray to god. Because they believe everything is in the lord hand. I’m not a real religious person but I do believe in god, I think that everything that happen doesn’t necessarily has to do with god. I think when you believe good things happen, especially when you have faith in something.
A good example of rationalism today is a scientist, like when scientists study to find cure for cancer. If they just believed god will make it better or the cure is in the lord hand. Then there will be a lot of dead people. The reason I think a scientist is a good example is because they look for evidence before accepting anything, and that’s what the rationalist do. They look for evidence of why or they try to prove it with education.

Ben Franklin is a good example of rationalist because he tried to improve his life by being educated. As said in his autobiography he was never without religious principle, he never doubted the existence of deity, to him the most acceptable service of god was the doing good to men. This shows Ben is a rationalist because of his beliefs and the way he did things. He believed that man could improve himself by doing good and getting a good education. Unlike rationalist the puritans believed all men were evil. Ben Franklin was a good man who had respectable virtues and beliefs in life. He is a good example that you don’t have to be religious to have good things happen to you, just do right.

If I put my virtues in order, the same way Ben did they would be listed as follow:
Acceptance- considering circumstances especially those that can not be changed.
Forgiveness- To cease to feel angry or bitter towards a person.
Gratitude- being thankful for everything.
Openness- Ready and willing to talk.
Faith- knowing anything can happen if I hope and pray.
Ambition- always pursuing my dreams no matter what.
Generosity- always giving when I have, to help someone.
Tolerance- excepting more, instead of getting mad and wanting to fight.
Patience- Waiting more, instead of always being in a hurry
Curiosity- Desire to find out and know things.
Obedience- willingness to obey
Honesty- Telling the truth not lying or cheating
Organized- knowing what I have to do and doing it on time, instead of procrastinating
I don’t think I can reach perfection by listing this, no one in the world is perfect. I can try to change and have morals in life, but I know I want be able to be perfect them all. Because every person has flaws. I have a lot of flaws, some good and some bad but as long as I love me I don’t care what others think or feel about me. The way I feel is, every person should have morals in life. Even though we all have different morals or beliefs, we should be able to relate because most people want to be forgiving or obedient and even if that’s not your moral in life you should still respect it.

We hold the truth to be self- evident that all men are created equal. I think that statement is a rationalist thought because unlike puritans who believed all men are evil. Rationalist believed they were equal and men can make themselves better with good education. Rationalist wanted freedom of will. In the Declaration of independence it is declared to all colonies the right to be free and independent that’s a good example of rationalist thought. Because rationalist believed in freedom of will. Declaration of independence also states that their creator endows men. I think that’s a good example of rationalist thought, because rationalist believed in the creator because of the evidence of creation.

It seems that all the things the rationalist believes in or think is because of scientific evidence. I like the rationalist way of thinking they always study scientifically to figure out what they want to know. If Benjamin Franklin had believed everything happen because of god we wouldn’t know why lighting happened. The way rationalist think is interesting, I liked reading and informing myself about their way of living and their fascinating beliefs.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

In My Hood

A typical day in my neighborhood is always noisy and there are plenty people outside. If you look around kids are running. Little girls are playing jump rope, or little boys playing football in the bright green grass. There are pregnant women, drug dealers, and security guards. On Sundays and holidays there is the smell of fried chicken from someone cooking with the door open. Sometimes when the maintenance men haven’t picked up the trash the scent of rotten food, or dirty diapers fills the air. I can feel the hard cement, as I sit on the porch being nosey. Trying to see who getting locked up or who just got to fighting.

I have the taste of smoke in my mouth from walking through the breezeway where all the drug dealers are smoking Newports.
In my neighborhood I can see women on the porch braiding hair and I can smell the scent of the oil sheen as they do the hair. I might see a bird or two and a few stray cats. When I look at the buildings I can tell they been there for over 20 years, because the bricks are discolored. There are flowers and honeysuckle trees, I can smell the honey on the trees and hear the bees buzzing round the trees. I can taste the bitter taste of the honeysuckle after I have sucked out all the honey. There is always the sound of sirens from the police, ambulance, or fire station. In my building I can hear the dice hitting up against the porch as the boys shoot dice. On the weekends I can hear someone playing Dro or Young joc.

I can smell an almost taste the barbecue from someone cooking out. When there is a big game I can hear Georgia fans across the street tailgating or I can smell the beer that has been wasted on the sidewalk.
In my neighborhood I can hear old women gossiping the shouting of the boys is in my ear as I walk by trying my best to ignore them. I can taste the crunch bar as I walk from the candy man’s house. The shouting of the boys is in my ear as I walk by trying my best to ignore them. I can hear the sound of loud music as cars ride through; the rims are so shiny they can burn your eyes. My feet are burning from walking outside on the hot pavement with no shoes on, and my mouth is cold from the ice cream I just bought from the ice cream truck. Sometimes my mouth is hot because of the hot wings; I can taste the salt and ranch dressing.

In my neighborhood I can see junkies walking up and down the street, the musty smell on their clothes from not bathing enters my nose and makes me feel sick. I see the faded, wrinkle green money that the jay gives to the drug dealer for a rock. At the first of the month I see a lot of people at the mailboxes waiting for the mailman to come so they can get their check.
As nightfall it gets more loud, everybody get fresh for the club. I see stilettos, girls with little skirts, boys with Girbaud pants and fresh Air Force Ones. I hear the dope boy’s cell phones ringing. When I walk to the parking lot I hear boys and girls conversing about what they go do when they get to the club.

I see all the pretty cars on 22’s sitting there with the doors open and music blasting. I see the blue police officer’s uniform as he gets out the car and write the young men a ticket for loud music after curfew. As I get ready to walk in the house my neighbor screams" get out!" to her drug-dealing son who is always giving her trouble. Before I get in the house I smell food and I see the neighborhood cat laying in the doorway meowing for food. My mom yells "shut the door, we don’t have no food for that flea cat. After I have showered I lay down on my soft covers and pray for a better tomorrow.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl

So far in the book most of all her family has died in slavery, the only person she has left is her grandma who is also a slave. Her master is jealous of her and treats her cruel, when she want to see her grandma she sneak and do it because her master dosen't want her to. The story is very sad but, ineresting.

Analytical Writng on MUSIC

I’m going to analyze music because it is one of my favorite things. There are different kinds of music. There is jazz, blues, opera, rap, classical, heavy metal, and last but not least R&B. Music is entertainment that mostly all people enjoy to make them happy or sad. It can make people feel crunk or make them just want to chill. The sound of music is so powerful it helps plenty of people get through hard times. The words can motivate you and make you feel good inside and out.

Jazz is a style of music that first started in the south. There’s also Blues and Opera, which is another form of music that tells a story. Out of all the different types there’s also Rap which basically rhymes. There also is classical music, and Heavy also known as rock, it has a strong beat and it is very very loud.

Out of all the music, my favorite form of Music is R&B, which means rhythm and blues. I love R&B because of soulful meaning. When you listen to it, it touches you and makes you feel well inside. When I was little me, my mom and my grandma would get up early in the morning for breakfast and listen to Aretha Franklin while dancing around the house singing RESPECT.
I miss those days that happened when my grandma was alive. Another soulful artist I like is Patti Belle, I think that’s why my mom say I have a old soul because I love soulful music and sometimes I like old folks music better than young folk music.

Another reason I love R&B is because I can relate to it better, I don’t be understanding that rap mess they talk to fast for me. I prefer R&B than any other type of music. The artist I relate to the most is Keyshia Cole because she has been through many trails and tribulations in life just like me. She sings about the mistakes she has made in life with family and mostly guys. The music she sings about really hits home. I have been through a many things and like she say, " you have to move on and do you" so that’s what I’m trying to do.

R&B is slow music. Unlike rap you get to lay back and actually hear what it’s saying. You can listen to slow music on any occasion, weddings, dates, or just riding in the car with your home girls to name a few Kendra and Kiara. My favorite slow song is Keyshia Cole "I Should’ve Cheated" The song talks about how her boyfriend cheated on her and how she wish she would have cheated too so she wouldn’t be so hurt.

R&B also eases my mind and makes me calm down when I’m mad, especially when I’m mad at my boyfriend for doing something stupid. Most guys don’t like slow music but what they fail to see is it will calm you down. Instead of smoking a cigarette and calming your nerves you should turn on some R&B music. Sometimes when I’m having one of those days where it seem like everything is gong wrong and there is no one for me to talk to I turn on slow music.

The lyrics in R&B is what makes up the song, Why listen to a song if you don’t know what it’s talking about or what’s going on? I hate when I don’t understand a song. Sometimes when I first hear a song I don’t like it, but when I listen to the lyrics and hear what they saying I start to like it. A song is not good unless it has good lyrics and to my opinion the best part of a song is the good lyrics that you can understand. Well as you can see there are many different types of music but since R&B is my favorite I decided to break it down for you.

In the beginning I named a few other types of music. For instance rap, I don’t really dislike it I just prefer to listen to it when I’m at a party or when I’m feeling crunk. But, since I’m usually a down, to earth person I don’t really listen to rap. Classical has never been my type of music but its kind of like R&B it calms you and makes you feel focused. When I went to Clarke Central my language arts teacher Mrs. Blankenship would turn on classical music, as we would work. It always seemed to keep me focused and on task. I like all kinds of music but for now I’m going to stick with my favorite, R&B.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl

So far the book is talking about her life as a child and all the things she went through with her master. She also talks about how hard it was being a young slave, because they had to work just as hard as adults.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl

The book i'm reading is about a slave girl, she is basically telling her life and what she went through it's a very interesting book. I cant wait to read more.

The Puritans

The Puritans had a lot of beliefs, they believed every person is born sinful- concept of original sin. They believed in Unconditional Election, which states God "saves" those he wishes, only few are selected for salvation. The Puritans also believed Jesus died for the chosen one and not for everyone. Out of all their beliefs I disagree with them all. I don’t think no one is born sinful, everyone is born innocent. I think God saves everyone but, when he want something to happen, then it will. And I know Jesus died for everyone because if he didn’t we wouldn’t be here today. Even though I disagree, I respect their beliefs because everyone has different values and beliefs in life.
Puritans number one principle was religion. Their spiritual beliefs they held were strong. Their beliefs are so strong that it affected community laws and customs. Since god was at the forefront of their minds, He was to motivate all of their actions. The Puritans unity strength their community. Even though they were surrounded with hardships, their spiritual bond made them sympathetic to each other needs. Each church congregation was individually responsible to god. The New Testament was their model and their devotion. People who opposed of the views and beliefs were asked to leave community or be converted. The way they told their scriptures was harsh.

Puritans constantly worked on being good because they believed god had already chosen who would be in heaven or hell. They believed the devil was behind every evil deed.
As said in Jonathan Edwards sermon "sinners going out of the world are so in gods hands" I think that mean they thought people couldn’t die by accident they died because god wanted them to, they think that every thing is in gods power. In "Sinners in the hand of angry god" Jonathan Edward states that " A man is not on the very brink of eternity, and that the next stop will not be into another world" I think he was saying no one is promised to lived forever but, when they do die, they will enter a better place, which he calls " Another World".
According to Plymouth Plantation William Bradford was one of the leaders of the English puritan separatist, which is now called "Pilgrims". He wrote his own personal journal, he served 35 years as governor of colony. He describes his experience on the mayflower. While on the mayflower Bradford went through a lot of hardships such as fierce storm, traveling to dangerous unknown places, and being in the wilderness. The whole time on the ship Bradford believed god would guide them.

After the puritans meet Squanto the interpreter they believed he was a special instrument sent from god. They believed god gave Squanto the grace to direct them how to set their corn, where to take fish, and how to produce other commodities. That’s an example of perseverance of the "saints" which is one of their beliefs John Edwards stated in his sermon that god has laid himself under no obligations, by any promise to keep any natural man out of hell on moment that’s another belief.

"All the means that there are of sinners going out of the world, are so in gods hands and so universally and absolutely subject to his power and determination" That statement was said by Jonathan Edwards on his sermon. I think it is a great example of plain text because he is stating facts and don’t care what others think or how they feel about what he is saying he just want them to know whether they like it or not.
I think the puritans wrote in this style because they wanted to keep it real and get straight to the point other than wasting time talk about unnessary stuff. I like how they wrote I just don’t understand why they say some of the stuff they say. I don’t fully understand the Puritans yet, I think they are very strange and interesting people who want to learn more about.

Monday, August 07, 2006

About Me

My photo
I am very outgoing, I like to be goofy and have fun.