Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Coldest Winter Ever

The Book I've Been reading is called the clodest winter ever. It's about a teenage girl name Winter who lives in the projects in Brooklyn. She live with her mother and father Santiga who is a big drug dealer in they communiy.Which mean they have money and everyone envy them. She has to 3 sisters lexy. porche, and mercedes. The story is basically about a family that had everything and then lost it. In the book Winter father got busted and the government seized everything they had. They arrested her motherr and took all her childeren. Winter had no where to go so she started using what she had to get what she want. She was in love with one of her fathers workers name midnight but he didn'y want her. Fianlly she got put in a group home. But thst didn't last long cause she had to runaway cause someone wanted to kill her. Thats when she met sister souljah a well known motivational speecher. She lived ther for a while until she stole from her, then she ran away with a boy she like dfrom her hood. He got her arrested and she had to serve alot of time. Her father is in Riker's Prison with out posibility of parole, and her mother is a crackhead who died at the end. They whole family feel apart. Her father worker Midnight took the kid s and rasised them. Because they had no mother, no father, not even a big sister to look up to. The book was good it shows what can happen to a family and how much you can lose. I liked the book cause stuff like that really happens where i come from and the book just made me feel thankful for all the stuff i have.

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