Monday, December 11, 2006


I have decided to do my persuasive writing on why I think T.I is better than lil Wayne. Me personally love T.I because he the most realest rapper out there. I can relate to all his songs. I might haven’t been through everything that he has, but I have seen a lot. And I know people who have been through some of the stuff that he talks about in his lyrics. Lil Wayne is an okay rapper he always talking bout money, cars, and girls. And I’m tired of hearing about that. Because that’s what all the rappers rap about now.
T.I is the best rapper because he is one of those rappers that rap about stuff that can help you get through something or it be a song you just can really relate to. One of his songs I liked a lot that helped was his song motivation. The song basically is saying don’t worry about your haters, let them motivate you instead. On of the lines from the songs that I really liked is when he say “If God with me, who could be against me sucka? Can't make me suffer, just make me tougher” at the end of his song motivation.
In all lil Wayne songs he just keep talking about money. If we know you got money rap about something else. For instance his song “Money On My Mind” it just keep repeating “Money money on my mind So money is all I think of” It’s okay to have money and be glad that you got it but it don’t have to be the only thing you rap about. I might would like his music better if he change the subject he raps about. Another I love T.I is because no matter what he hasn’t forgot where he from and he represent where he from to the fullest. Some of these rappers get money and forget about their hood. But, not T.I he gives back to his community. Like during hurricane Katrina he took initiative and donated 50,000 to relief efforts, while leading an on air Labor Day pledge drive on Atlanta's V-103 FM that raised over $263,000 for Mississippi rapper David Banner's 'Heal the Hood' Foundation. In addition to his Hurricane Katrina effort in Atlanta, which provided scholarships for single parent families at Boys and Girls Clubs.
Lil Wayne gives back to but, he act like he has forgot where he from. He thinks just because he gives money back he doing something. T.I gets involved when he gives money. Don’t just give someone money to show off. The money and fame has changed him a lot. I know that if I go big I would never forget about Bethel Homes Projects because I was born and raised there. And I have peoples there that really need help. And I would give back whatever I can to help.
I also love T.I because he is a businessman. He doesn’t only rap to make his money. He basically is an entrepreneur. He has his own record label Grand Hustle and he also has his own group PSC. I think that being a entrepreneur is a good choose because if he not selling than he will still have another way to make money and he will never be broke. He will always have something to fall back on. He also owns his own club in Atlanta called Vision. He makes a lot of money off of that.
Lil Wayne doesn’t do to much on the side he basically puts out CD’s and wait for his sells. His father Baby of Cash Money Records makes all the money for him. He doesn’t have his own label like T.I. because he still under his father wing. T.I handles his own business he doesn’t need no one to back him up.
The biggest reason I love T.I is because he doesn’t care what people think. He says what he want when he get ready. And if you don’t like it too bad. He also doesn’t let the government keep him from getting money. It seems like every time he turns around they trying to lock him up but he doesn’t let that stop him. One time when he was locked up he just recorded his video in jail and made more money than he would’ve made if he shot it in the streets. Even though he has probation seven years he don’t let that stop him from getting money. The media and public in general are trying to stop him from rising to the top but he doesn’t let them, he always keeps going.
That’s how it is with me it seems like all these haters don’t want me to be nothing. But I do like T.I I keep dong good just to see them mad. I’m the type of person who don’t cares what no one thinks or say about me.
So basically to sum it all up I’m just really in love with T.I. he is a great rapper and a good role model for us young people. He might have made mistakes in his life but that’s okay because everybody makes mistakes. As long as he learnt something from his mistakes and did something positive with it than I’m go always have love for him. T.I is a good example that sometimes good things come from something bad. He probably never thought he would be where he at today. That’s how I feel about the situation I’m in right now. After all the skipping school and doing whatever I wanted to do. It led to me being at Classic City. I never would’ve thought I would be sitting in this chair right now doing work but I am. I just really love and respect T.I and he will always be one of my most favorite rappers regardless of what others say or think about him. Because to me he will always be the “KING OF THE SOUTH” So if you like to listen to a real and honest rapper then you need to be blasting T.I

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