Monday, October 02, 2006


I really enjoyed the story of Rip Van Wrinkle. It was very interesting at first I was kind of confused because I didn’t know what was going on. But then it got better. Irving Washington has to have a big imagination to write this story. I see why it’s called a romanticism story, because everything about this story was imaginative and adventurous. The story grabs my attention more than the Ben Franklin autobiography.
When he woke up and didn’t recognize where he was I thought he was just dreaming. I would have never thought he sleep 20 years through a war. Even though I know this can’t happen, that makes it more fun. I felt that Irv was trying to give readers something more fun to read. Back when he wrote this book people probably wasn't as fun. I believe they probably were boring. I think this would be a good book to read as a bedtime story.

I bet Rip felt all alone and very confused. I couldn’t imagine my self sleeping 20 years and waking up clueless. If it happened to me I would have panicked. Feeling alone is the worst feeling you can have. I think the story ended well but he should’ve added some more. I was glad when he found his daughter and soon. When his daughter let him move in I was relieved cause I like stories that has happy endings and Rip Van Wrinkle is one of them stories.
Mostly everything about the story was romantic. The reason I say this is because the scenes in the story is only stuff we would imagine happening, but would never actually happen. The book shows romanticism by talking bout ordinary people. I think the big imagination is what makes the story romantic to me. A good example of direct evidence of romanticism is when Rip wakes up and everything around him is different.

For example his daughter is grown with her own child. I choose this because, everyone knows no person can fall asleep for twenty years and then wake up looking the same, but have everyone and everything around them different.
Another good example in the story is when the president changed. Before he went to sleep George III was in charge then when he wakes up George Washington was in office. The book had good direct evidence it showed how irv imagined things. "Rip bethought himself a moment, and inquired, "Where's Nicholas Vedder?"" This is a good example of direct textual evidence because when Rip walks around and notices everything has changed and he sees that the people he once knew lived in his town is no longer there.

And the ones that are still there are older while he still his young self. That to me is a good example of Romanticism because everything about that is imagination because in reality a man could never sleep 20 years and wake up still young.
I think the poem Thanatopsis is talking about nature and the way it looks or makes us feel when we feel happy or sad. Nature can be beautiful or it can be very ugly depending on how we are. In the poem he describes nature as a woman. I think he Basically is talking about going to heaven or to the other world in which the dead go he says you will not be alone they're kings and farmers in the same place so don’t think that you are leaving and you will be the only one their. To me it seems to be saying that if you are with god you should surround yourself with nature.

He also states that death isn’t something we should fear. Which makes me think he loved living in the beautiful or ugly nature but he is not afraid to die. This poem to me is saying nature tells us different things at different times. When we are having good times, nature relates to that. When we are having bad times, nature is willing to help us through our problems instead of God. In the poem when he say "She has a voice of gladness, and a smile And eloquence of beauty, and she glides Into his darker musings," That’s a good example of textual evidence because it is describing nature as if it was a woman like it’s not real or something.

The Romantic thing about the poem is that it is imaginative. During the whole poem he uses personification for example when he says "she has a voice of gladness, and a smile and eloquence of beauty" he is say she like it’s a girl or a woman. The poem was not very adventurous like the book Rip Van Wrinkle it seems very emotional. I really liked the poem, I had to read it over and over again to understand but I enjoyed it.
The point of the poem Rope Walk is to give readers an idea of what he was thinking in his mind. He wanted the reader to see and imagine what he was imagining. He was basically drawing a picture of his thoughts and ideas of what could happen while the rope was being made.

The image that stand out to me the most is "Two fair maidens in a swing, Like white doves upon the wing," When he said that I thought about little girls in little white dresses with curly hair playing on a home made swing made out of rope and wood. With their hair bouncing up and down, while sun shining on them. The Rope Walk is a good example of romanticism because it’s very imaginative and the writer is telling what he was thinking and feeling at the time.
The painting on Blog is a good example because it’s a very emotional when you look at the picture it gives you a certain feeling. It makes you want to be there. It seems like an unreal place where nobody goes. A place that someone would imagine only in their head. But they now they will never be able to go there and experience it for themselves.
The picture I choose is a good example of romanticism because it shows a very imaginative place .It also shows natural beauty and nature. The picture makes your mind thinkd and make you wonder who lives there. Back during romanticism period people would've needed pictures like this, so they can imagine being in a more better and calming place.

1 comment:

D a n a said...

You have done well here. I just need you to add some evidence from Rip Van Winkle and Thanatopsis.

Let me know when you have added these things.

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