Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Communities In The School Has Helped Me ALOT!!!

The communities in schools have done plenty for me. If Classic City PLC wasn’t built, I probably would be at home right now laying down watching talk shows. Coming to school has always been hard for me because I can’t sit in a class all day and listen to teachers lecture. I used to think school was so boring and confusing. At the school I used to go to the teachers didn’t give you one on one time and you would have to follow their pace. I’m a good worker, but I like to work at my own pace and do work when I’m ready to move on. At my old school the teachers would teach so fast and I would get confused. They didn’t have tutors or mentors. They had after school but that did me no good because I had to work everyday.

So I started failing all my classes and I stopped going to school. Then I heard about Classic City, a small community school. I had heard it would be a good school for me. Because they work on pace and the teachers are one on one. Plus you get treated like young adults instead of little children. Classic City has helped me be more focused and determined. I’m so glad communities in schools built this school because it gives me hope for a better future. It makes me think that maybe I can be the first in my community to move up out the projects and graduate so I can do something with my self instead of sell drugs or end up in jail. Communities in schools motivates me and make me want to graduate. The community who helped built this school has really made school better for me. I’m thankful that I have the opportunity to attend Classic City.

One if the big reasons I’m glad that Classic City was built is because in all your classes you know what you have to do. Even if you’re absent you know, because they give you a pacing guide. I think that helps me so much and makes it easier for me to work. At Classic City we work on computers all day, but I think that’s good because I rather do Nova Net than, write notes all day. Writing notes has never really helped me. The communities in schools also provides tutors in mentors at this school. I think that will help me out greatly because I do better when someone work with me one on one. Even though I’m not pregnant I still think it’s good that they are now providing the mothers with early child care programs.

The communities in the schools have also given me a second chance to rethink my choice about dropping out. Last year when I found out that I need nine credits to graduate, I thought my life was over, so I started hanging in the streets every day. I wanted a diploma but I didn’t want to be in 10th grade classes with 10th graders. I was riding the bus one day and I saw a poster that said if you want to go to a non- traditional school and get your credits then come to classic city and become a star. I got so excited because I knew that I didn’t have to give up on myself because there was another school that could help me. I was glad when Mr. Hunter told me I would be attending school in the fall. The Communities in the School made all this possible for me by believing and caring about young people like me and people who want to do something with their lives.

Now that the Communities in the school has built Classic City PLC I have a better chance for a better future, and instead of hoping, I can actually do what’s important to me and follow my dreams. There is a big difference in my life now that I’m at Classic City. I now care about to school and what might happen to me in the future. I know I’ve messed up many times but now I have a second chance to prove myself. All I want is to make my family and myself proud of me. I’m tired of everybody thinking I want be nobody. But since the school in the community has built Classic City I can prove all the haters wrong and finally get my credits and Graduate.

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I am very outgoing, I like to be goofy and have fun.