Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Dark Romantics

Nathaniel Hawthorne would be against transcendental philosophy because Transcendentalist believed that institutions like the government or organized religion were not effective. And Nathaniel Hawthorne great grandfather was a judge in the Salem witchcraft trials during Puritan times. So that would be against their beliefs because the government shouldn’t be able to choose what’s right or what’s wrong. He also probably would be against it because Transcendentalist believed everyone was pure but it seems that he not.
Herman Melville would be against it because Transcendentalist believed that all humans were pure and obviously he didn’t believe that if he writing books about a man wanting to kill a whale who bite off his leg. He also would disagree because Transcendentalist went with their intuition and it states that he wanted to be a writer. A Transcendentalist would have done what they wanted because they would’ve thought it was a
sign from god.

Edgar Allen Poe would most definitely disagree with the Transcendentalist He wasn’t pure at all he had three wives and was an alcoholic. Plus all the characters he wrote about were evil in some kind of way. Since he Dark Romantics believed in Original Sin he probably thought what he was writing about and doing was okay because they thought everyone was born evil.
I think I’m a little of both. But I’m more for the Transcendentalist beliefs because. I agree with a lot of their beliefs. I believe that everyone was born pure and not evil. God doesn’t put anybody in the world to be evil. If a person is evil it’s because they choice to become that way.
I also believe god speak through our mines because sometimes before I do something bad I hear this little voice saying "Michelle don’t do that" and I Think that it be god warning me that what I’m about to do is not right. Another one of their beliefs I agree with is the one about government. The government shouldn’t make choices bout what’s right and wrong because their humans like us why should they have the right to say who is right and who is wrong.

The story Black Cat was crazy it really didn’t make any since. It was mostly bout this crazy man who killed a cat and his wife. I think the man was very physco. He didn’t think before he did things and after he did them he felt no remorse. The story shows some good examples of how the Dark Romantics disagreed with Transcendentalist because Edgar Allen Poe story was so evil. The transcendentalist would have never thought bad thoughts like that. They would be against that because they believed God wouldn’t send them bad thoughts.
They thought everything was so pure. But the Dark Romantics wanted to prove them wrong by showing that people really can think evil things and they also can do evil stuff. The Dark Romantics wanted to show that they actually believed people were not pure that everyone one was born evil. He showed that a lot when he killed his cat. And when he started getting drunk. After he killed his wife I really thought he was insane. If the Dark Romantics wanted to show that people were insane then they did a really good job with this story.

There was some good direct textual evidence in the story like when he came home from a night out and took his cat by the throat and stabbed his eye out with a knife. That’s a good example of Dark Romantics because they wanted to show that a person could be bad and they could think about doing bad stuff. I think after someone read this book they wouldn’t believe what the transcendentalist thought about all people being pure.

One day she accompanied me, upon some household errand, into the cellar of the old building which our poverty compelled us to inhabit. The cat followed me down the steep stairs, and, nearly throwing me headlong, exasperated me to madness. Uplifting an axe, and forgetting, in my wrath, the childish dread which had hitherto stayed my hand, I aimed a blow at the animal which, of course, would have proved instantly fatal had it descended as I wished. But this blow was arrested by the hand of my wife. Goaded, by the interference, into a rage more than demoniacal, I withdrew my arm from her grasp and buried the axe in her brain. She fell dead upon the spot, without a groan. This is a good example of direct textual evidence it shows how a man could just become insane and kill someone he loves, its also another example that prove the transcendentalist wrong about people being pure.

The poem The Raven is a good poem I didn’t really understand it at first but when I did I found it very interesting and sad. The story is about a man who wife dies and he feels sad and he finds out that the sadness will never leave. In the story there was a black raven at his door, which represents sadness that never went away. One of the lines that stuck out to me the most is "NeverMore" because at first I didn’t know what it meant. But after I read it I liked the word because it symbolized that sadness will never leave his heart no matter what he do.
The poem was very intense and really crazy at first I thought it was stupid but know I just think it was sad because he lost his wife and now he is has to live with it for the rest of his life.

The poem represents an anti-Transcendental idea because transcendentalist wouldn’t have believed or thought that a human being would think such terrible thoughts. They thought that all humans thought pure and that they were so innocent. But the Dark Romantics are showing how that some people do really think crazy stuff. And even if someone is pure they should be able to think unpure when they are going through something such as a family member death. Transcendentalist wouldn’t be insane like the Dark Romantics. Because they seem to be godlier like people than The Dark Romantics because they kill people and think crazy thoughts. I think they both are alike but the Dark Romantics just wants to show people they everyone has a bad side.

Edgar Allen Poe parents, David Poe Jr. and Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins, were touring actors; both died before he was 3 years old, and he was taken into the home of John Allan, a prosperous merchant in Richmond, Virginia and baptized Edgar Allan Poe. Poe next took up residence in Baltimore with his widowed aunt, Maria Clemm, and her daughter, Virginia, and turned to fiction as a way to support himself.
Virginia's death in January 1847 was a heavy blow, but Poe continued to write and lecture. In the summer of 1849 he revisited Richmond, lectured, and was accepted anew by the fiancée he had lost in 1826. After his return north he was found unconscious on a Baltimore street. In a brief obituary the Baltimore Clipper reported that Poe had died of "congestion of the brain."

I can see why he wrote the stuff he wrote because he really went through a lot when he was younger. That explains why his poems were so intense and full with anger because if both my parents died when I was three I would be sad and intense to. If my moms die I probably would be mad at the world. I can believe he grew up without a mom that can really mess a child up.
Now I understand why he wrote the Raven. He went through a lot when he lost his wife Virginia. He actually really loved her and it killed him inside that she was gone, because he knew he would never see her again. So now I see what the bird in the Raven stood for and I understand why he writes the stuff he did, because he went through a lot of trials and tribulations.

1 comment:

D a n a said...

This is some nice work. I would go through and proofread it once more though.


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