Monday, November 19, 2007

November 9th 10:02am - 1:25pm 3 hrs 23mins

I walked in the funeral home it was very quite because she didn't have any bodies. When there are no bodies it be really boring and very quite. She informed me that she couldn't find her books on embalming, so she will have to borrow some from a fellow mortician. She also said she want me to look in on some embalmings so i can get the hands on experience. I told her that i need to start thinking about my product and what i'm gonna do. I'm still a little confused and i been thinking about it alot. I'm thinking about embalming a chicken because that would be really fun. Ana Lisa and i haven't really decided yet though. It's hard finding a product to do for embalming.
We also talked about what i should do for my presentation in general, I know whatever i do i want it to be hands on because i want others to see why i'm so interested in embalming i also want them to see how it's done and the interesting part about it that i enjoy. That's basically all we talked about because we really didn't have much to do. We mostly chilled and talked about what i want to do after school, do i want to go to a mortuary school or what. i really haven't decided myself. After we wrapped things up i gathered my notes and went to catch the bus. She said she'll call and let me know when we can meet again because she'll be very busy the past couple weeks.

October 26, 2007 1:20- 3:55 2hr 35mins

I stopped by the funeral home and Ana Lisa was very busy. She had a body and she was really busy. But since this was our day to meet i decided to stay and try to do what i can do to help because i like the learning experience. I also like to just watch her doing her job because she is so professional and she good at what she do. When morticians have funerals they have alot of important stuff to do. She had to announce the death over the radio to v880 and she had to fax it to the newspaper so it can be printed to inform the public. While she attended to the families and other important stuff she had to do i assisted in answering the phone and walking family members in. Ana Lisa run her own business so it is harder on her because she don't have much help. That's why i look up to her so much because she do it all. She a mortician, embalmer, and she running her own business by herself. Next we took a break and went to dairy queen up the street to get something to eat. After we got back to the funeral home she said she'll call me and let me know when she'll have another chance to meet with me again. So i left and went to catch my bus.

October 5, 2007 10:45pm - 3:00pm 5hrs and 15min

On this day it wasn't as hectic as it was the last time i was there. When i got there Ana Lisa was sitting in waiting room watching the view. When i did an internship there with her last year, she did the same thing. When she was not busy she would watch the view. When we got started i asked her if she had any books i could read about embalming, she said she had alot of books but she'll have to find them because it's been so long since she been in mortuary school. Since she had all her books packed up she said she'll have them ready next time i come.
She also told me about her experience as a student at Gupton- Jones Mortuary school in Atlanta. I never knew they had a school that's just dedicated to teaching about mortician's, embalmer's, and funeral business. I thought that was so cool and interesting. She went to mortuary school when she was in her mid 20's so i think i really don't want to rush into embalming right now. But i know embalming is one of my future career goals that i'm really interested in other than cosmetology. Cosmetology has alot to do with embalming as well because an embalmer actually make over the dead and the have to use make up. They also have to do the dead hair which is something i really like to do myself. I also got on this website called rotten .com to see some dead bodies and how an embalmer can change a destroyed face into a masterpiece. It was a picture of a little boy who whole face was dismembered and an embalmer fixed it back to where it looked like him again. I didn't know an embalmer can reconstruct a human face. When i was done looking at that i answered the phone for her for a while then we closed up and decided on our next meeting.

Mentor Log September 28, 2007 12:05pm-1:45pm 1hr 40mins

This is the first time i actually approached my mentor with the idea of her helping me on my senior project. I choose Ana Lisa because for one she's a licensed mortician and embalmer. She was my mentor before this senior project and i knew she'll be a big help. When i went in the funeral home it smelled so good. I knew she had candles lit when i walked in. Most people look at a funeral home and think their disgusting but i feel like i'm at home when i'm there because a very quite and calming atmosphere.
We talked about my requirements and what i'll need her help for on the project. I also asked her did she have the time to help because morticians are very busy people. The day i went in she actually had a body up there so that's the reason i didn't stay long. I'm basically just glad she can help me period. When i was up there she got really busy so i had to leave a little early. her being my mentor is very convenient for me because i can catch the bus to and from my house at the bus stop which is right in front of the funeral home. Since she was busy she said the next time i come back we'll get to talk more and we'll get to meet a little longer so i can get some more information. My first meeting wasn't what i expected but at least i had a chance to meet. hopefully it will be more better and interesting

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Should I Compare our Love to the heavens?

Should i compare our love to the heavens? A

Where everything is beautiful and angels fly B

Where i feel so special like i'm on could seven A

A place lovely where no on is acting sly B

Sometimes we argue and sometimes we fight C

When things get bad most time i get sad D

But i know it'll be okay because we'll get it right C

It's a waste of time for us to just be mad D

When all the problems are solved we'll be happy again E

Not having any worries just taking a chance F

Not sad or regretful, just knowing new things shall began E

And never thinking about ending this romance F

So as long as we love we'll make it together G

No matter what the problems we'll make it through the bad weather. G

Renassiance Sonnets

Edmund Spencer Sonnet

Fair eyes, the mirror of my mazed heart, A

What wondrous virtue is contained in you, B

The which both life and death forth from you dart A

Into the object of your mighty view? B

For when ye mildly look with lovely hew, B

Then is my soul with life and love inspired C

But when ye lour, or look on me askew, B

Then do I die, as one with lightning fired. C

But since that life is more than death desired, C

Look ever lovely, as becomes you best, D

That your bright beams of my weak eyes admired, C
May kindle living fire within my breast. D

Such life should be the honor of your light E
Such death the sad ensample of your might. E
In the first section it seems as if he is writing about someone who is looking into the mirror and saying that their eyes are beautiful and that their eyes has mazed or confused his heart, which mean this person must be in a daze by the beauty of the other person. He is basically asking the person how did you become so excellent or amusing. Then it also talks about how the person is darting from life and death into the object of beauty, which to me means that the person is so beautiful that they have to dodge their own view in the mirror.
The second section talks about when the person looks at him straight it touches and inspire him but when the person looks at him all crazy it hurt him inside and makes him want to die or make him feel like he been struck by lightning. Then in the third part it says that since he doesn't desire to die can the person look at him lovely or at their best, and then he will admire the beautiful look because it will make him feel good inside.
Then at the end he basically saying that the person beautiful look should be the honor of his light and that beauty shows and gives an example of what might or might not happen including death.

Shakespeare Sonnet

As an unperfect actor on the stage A

Who with his fear is put besides his part, B

Or some fierce thing replete with too much rage, A

Whose strength's abundance weakens his own heart. B

So I, for fear of trust, forget to say C

The perfect ceremony of love's rite, D

And in mine own love's strength seem to decay, C

O'ercharged with burden of mine own love's might. D

O, let my books be then the eloquence E

And dumb presagers of my speaking breast, F

Who plead for love and look for recompense E

More than that tongue that more hath more express'd. F

O, learn to read what silent love hath writ: G

To hear with eyes belongs to love's fine wit. G
The first part is talking about an actor that is fearful of playing his part and is basically beside himself and is fierce and full with lots of rage. He have an abundance or lots of strength but he is weak in his own heart. In the second section he is talking about how the person is fearful and can not trust. I t also talks about how he wants a perfect ceremony of love, but when he's in love his strength seems to decay or rotten and he can't be strong, and he don't have lots of strentghts because the love takes over him and the he has no control. In the third section he is talking about how he talks graceful and that he can foresee good things happening because he feel it in his heart. He also talks about pleading for love and expecting something to happen or expecting to get something back. Then the last two line talks about how you should know how to read love and know which love belongs to you.

Renassiance Sonnets

1.) The rhyme scheme Spencer uses is way different from Shakespeare. His rhyme scheme goes ABABBCBCCDCDEE, Which basically mean his rhyme is constant. He uses more words that rhyme and he don’t skip around a lot, and I think that is harder than the way Shakespeare writes his. Shakespeare style has fewer complexes it doesn’t use many rhyming words like Spencer. His rhyme scheme is basically ABABCDCDFFEFGG, Which mean he don’t rhyme much and he don’t bring rhymes from his first set into his second like Spencer do. If I had to choose between the two I would choose Shakespeare because his rhyme scheme is not as complicated also like the was his writing is more easier to understand and I know what points he are making from beginning to end.

2.) The first point in Shakespeare he is asking should he compare the person he talking about in the poem to a summer’s day. He’s saying she is more lovely and calm than a summer’s day. He also is saying that good things don’t always happen in the summer because in the summer rough winds shake the buds of May and last but not least the summer day don’t last long. The second point he is talking about how the summer can be to hot and how it can dim the complexion of the person he is talking. I like the last part of this section when he says "And every fair from fair sometimes declines" This is saying everything that looks beautiful is not always beautiful, and I really like that quote. The very last line states that beauty can be destroyed by nature or chance. In the third and last section he is basically saying even if the summer fade away the way he feels about her will still be in this poem foe others to read. In the second poem by Spencer, in the first section he comparing his self with a girl he likes. He said he is ice and she is like fire. In the second part is talking about how hot she is but that even though she is hot her beauty is not actually touching him. The third part talk about how her beauty is melting him. And the last part says how powerful is love.

About Me

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I am very outgoing, I like to be goofy and have fun.