Tuesday, August 21, 2007


The story Beowulf was a very interesting story; it was a bit confusing at the beginning but as I read it I started to like it more. I think Beowulf was a really good guy, he cared a lot about his people and he would do anything to protect them. Beowulf is the type of character I like because everyone looks up to him. I like characters that are role models. Beowulf reminds me a lot of the Anglo-Saxon culture because he was loyal and he wanted to protect Herot from invaders which is how the Anglo-Saxon people were; they were very religious they believed in their own god.
The part that stuck out to me the most would have to be the part when he fought Grendal. I can’t believe he actually cut his head off. I could picture Beowulf in my head with his golden shiny armor cutting up that big beast. I just don’t understand how he did that by his self. But in the reading it says that during the Anglo-Saxon time protection of invaders was the ultimate goal and I believe that after seeing how Beowulf handled things he really wanted to protect his people and I think that’s a good thing to be courageous.

Another I like about the story is that even though it was a poem it was written like a story and that made it easier for me to read. It didn’t rhyme which is a good thing because most rhyming poems are confusing. Beowulf was a strong and courageous man but he should have been more smart and made better choice. I don’t understand how he is so strong. It seems like no matter the situation he conquered. I guess modern time heroes are more risky then the one from today. The story was good and I really liked it because it had action and I like stories that don’t always end so happy. Most stories you read today have happy endings but Beowulf didn’t and that’s why I like it so much.
I like how in the story Wiggle doesn’t leave Beowulf; he sticks by him through everything and lets everyone knows that Beowulf was a really good hero and he died fighting. I think Wiglaf is also a hero because he didn’t run; you can tell he had the Anglo-Saxon culture as well because he seems to be very loyal to his king. It seems that loyalty meant a lot back then and I think that’s a good thing.

Beowulf illustrate the Anglo-Saxon culture very well because he was a great warrior which; later made him become a great king. Anglo-Saxons centerpiece was the warrior tradition, they lifestyle focused a lot on warriors and kings like in Beowulf when he pulled up and greeted the people he said, "I am Hygelac's kinsman and warrior. I have undertaken many glorious deeds." To me this shows how the Anglo-Saxons was thought highly of their self, it also shows how most of all men were warriors or king because it was in there tradition. Beowulf was a great warrior and this quote shows it all: "I have heard that the monster in his recklessness uses no weapons. I, therefore, to amuse Hygelac my lord, scorn to carry sword or shield, but I shall seize my enemy in my hand grip and fight, enemy against enemy, and let God decide who shall be taken by death." I like this quote because it shows how good a warrior Beowulf was and how he would always be down for his people.
Come with your war dress, under your helmets, to see Hrothgar, but let your war shields and wooden spears await the outcome of your talk." This quote has something to do with the Anglo- Saxon culture because during Anglo-Saxon time they wore warrior clothing they were always ready to fight. Beowulf wore this attire when he killed Grendal. All the warrior men during that time wore stuff like helmets, and shields during they every day life. Another good quote that describe their attire is this: The great warrior went, hard under his helmet, until he stood within in his shining coat of mail, his armor-net sewn by smiths. As you can tell from the quote the men had armor on at all times that’s another way you can tell that wearing warrior clothing was in their culture.

The paved road guided the men. Their war-coats shone, the hard locks ringing as they came toward the hall. I choose this quote for direct evidence because in the reading it says that Romans built roads that was walked on everyday. The built walls as well to protect themselves from invaders. I think that was a good idea, but I choose the quote because In Beowulf the roads are still there and I figured since they had these roads during the time Beowulf was there I would use this quote.
The story Beowulf compare to a lot of modern stories I’ve read; for instance superman. Beowulf reminds me of Superman because he thinks he can do anything and he is so brave. Another way they are alike is because most people during they time; looked up to them and thought the best of them. Both superman and Beowulf had bold beliefs they wanted to help people and they didn’t care about the results or consequences. And they both died doing what made them happy and that’s saving people and making their communities better no matter how many bad guys they had to fight. Beowulf is different because he didn’t have the powers that modern hero had.

Like Spiderman can web and fly from building to building, superman can fly and lift heavy things, and then there’s Batman who can fly and change from his super hero outfit in seconds. Beowulf only had his shield, his armor and his sword, which wasn’t as dependable as modern super hero’s powers and defense mechanisms. The quote I’m about to show is from the story Beowulf when he first shows up to Herot and get off his ship: "The paved road guided the men. Their war-coats shone, the hard locks ringing as they came toward the hall. The sea-weary ones set their broad, strong shields against the building's wall, then sat down on benches, their armor resounding. They stood their spears together, ash wood tipped with gray, an iron troop". I choose this quote because as Beowulf get off the ship him and his men have on armor, shields, and spear unlike superman. As I was reading about superman I read a quote that said "Superman's famous arsenal of powers has included: flight, super strength, invulnerability to non-magical attacks of ordinary force.

As well as super-speed, vision powers including x- ray, heat, telescopic, infra-red microscopic vision, super-hearing, and super-breath, which enables him to freeze objects by blowing on them, as well as exert the propulsive force of high-speed winds." As you can see modern heroes and roman heroes are similar but different as well.
I think the way Beowulf died was sad, I think he didn’t deserve to die. After all the good he had done; I feel his soldiers could have at least helped him fight his last battle with the dragon.

Beowulf was at least 80 years old fighting a battle that wasn’t really his. The person who stole from the dragon deserved to be killed not Beowulf. Beowulf die for a stupid cause and that’s nobody fault but his own. He knew he was to old to be fighting a dragon at that age he just had gotten to bold and courageous. It’s a time for being a hero and it’s a time to mind your own business and that’s what Beowulf should have done.
But I think it was real lowdown how his troops and people he helped just let him get killed. Like in this quote: "He who once ruled a nation was encircled by fire; no troop of friends, strong princes, stood around him: they ran to the woodsto save their lives." This quote shows how Beowulf’s people just left him to die. I think Wiglaf is a hero because even though he knew he couldn’t beat the dragon he stayed there beside him the whole time. I like how they honored Beowulf for what he had done. But they must didn’t really honor him because if they did they wouldn’t have left him to die.
In the story Beowulf it was a quote that stated: "He wanted you to build on the site of his pyre a high mound, great and glorious, since he was among warriors the most magnificent, famous throughout the world". I choose this quote because I like the fact they made and effort to keep a remembrance for him. Because even though the soldiers left I think everyone did really love Beowulf but, they didn’t want to get killed and I understand because I probably would have did the same thing. Even though it was wrong that no one stayed to help him; Beowulf made his own choice and that’s his own fault.

1 comment:

D a n a said...

You have done a nice job here. You answer all the questions very completely, and your direct evidence supports everything very well.


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I am very outgoing, I like to be goofy and have fun.