Wednesday, September 20, 2006


The difference between rationalist and puritans is, all rationalist deny the doctrine of total depravity. Rationalist wanted freedom of will. When rationalism started things had changed from the puritan days. The colonial setting were growing and developing. Although disunited by geography and religion, hopes and promises of the new land united the colonies. Rationalist believed god is the creator because of the evidence of creation. Puritans believed Jesus died for chosen one and not for everyone. Puritans also felt man was evil. Rationalist felt man was both good and bad, they felt that man could improve himself with education. More importance was given to scientific reasoning than god’s wrath. The puritan reasons for everything that happen in life was bout god.

An example of Puritanism today would be someone believing that god is the reason for everything that happens and that if he wants you to live he will save you. People today still think that way. That’s why people pray to god. Because they believe everything is in the lord hand. I’m not a real religious person but I do believe in god, I think that everything that happen doesn’t necessarily has to do with god. I think when you believe good things happen, especially when you have faith in something.
A good example of rationalism today is a scientist, like when scientists study to find cure for cancer. If they just believed god will make it better or the cure is in the lord hand. Then there will be a lot of dead people. The reason I think a scientist is a good example is because they look for evidence before accepting anything, and that’s what the rationalist do. They look for evidence of why or they try to prove it with education.

Ben Franklin is a good example of rationalist because he tried to improve his life by being educated. As said in his autobiography he was never without religious principle, he never doubted the existence of deity, to him the most acceptable service of god was the doing good to men. This shows Ben is a rationalist because of his beliefs and the way he did things. He believed that man could improve himself by doing good and getting a good education. Unlike rationalist the puritans believed all men were evil. Ben Franklin was a good man who had respectable virtues and beliefs in life. He is a good example that you don’t have to be religious to have good things happen to you, just do right.

If I put my virtues in order, the same way Ben did they would be listed as follow:
Acceptance- considering circumstances especially those that can not be changed.
Forgiveness- To cease to feel angry or bitter towards a person.
Gratitude- being thankful for everything.
Openness- Ready and willing to talk.
Faith- knowing anything can happen if I hope and pray.
Ambition- always pursuing my dreams no matter what.
Generosity- always giving when I have, to help someone.
Tolerance- excepting more, instead of getting mad and wanting to fight.
Patience- Waiting more, instead of always being in a hurry
Curiosity- Desire to find out and know things.
Obedience- willingness to obey
Honesty- Telling the truth not lying or cheating
Organized- knowing what I have to do and doing it on time, instead of procrastinating
I don’t think I can reach perfection by listing this, no one in the world is perfect. I can try to change and have morals in life, but I know I want be able to be perfect them all. Because every person has flaws. I have a lot of flaws, some good and some bad but as long as I love me I don’t care what others think or feel about me. The way I feel is, every person should have morals in life. Even though we all have different morals or beliefs, we should be able to relate because most people want to be forgiving or obedient and even if that’s not your moral in life you should still respect it.

We hold the truth to be self- evident that all men are created equal. I think that statement is a rationalist thought because unlike puritans who believed all men are evil. Rationalist believed they were equal and men can make themselves better with good education. Rationalist wanted freedom of will. In the Declaration of independence it is declared to all colonies the right to be free and independent that’s a good example of rationalist thought. Because rationalist believed in freedom of will. Declaration of independence also states that their creator endows men. I think that’s a good example of rationalist thought, because rationalist believed in the creator because of the evidence of creation.

It seems that all the things the rationalist believes in or think is because of scientific evidence. I like the rationalist way of thinking they always study scientifically to figure out what they want to know. If Benjamin Franklin had believed everything happen because of god we wouldn’t know why lighting happened. The way rationalist think is interesting, I liked reading and informing myself about their way of living and their fascinating beliefs.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

In My Hood

A typical day in my neighborhood is always noisy and there are plenty people outside. If you look around kids are running. Little girls are playing jump rope, or little boys playing football in the bright green grass. There are pregnant women, drug dealers, and security guards. On Sundays and holidays there is the smell of fried chicken from someone cooking with the door open. Sometimes when the maintenance men haven’t picked up the trash the scent of rotten food, or dirty diapers fills the air. I can feel the hard cement, as I sit on the porch being nosey. Trying to see who getting locked up or who just got to fighting.

I have the taste of smoke in my mouth from walking through the breezeway where all the drug dealers are smoking Newports.
In my neighborhood I can see women on the porch braiding hair and I can smell the scent of the oil sheen as they do the hair. I might see a bird or two and a few stray cats. When I look at the buildings I can tell they been there for over 20 years, because the bricks are discolored. There are flowers and honeysuckle trees, I can smell the honey on the trees and hear the bees buzzing round the trees. I can taste the bitter taste of the honeysuckle after I have sucked out all the honey. There is always the sound of sirens from the police, ambulance, or fire station. In my building I can hear the dice hitting up against the porch as the boys shoot dice. On the weekends I can hear someone playing Dro or Young joc.

I can smell an almost taste the barbecue from someone cooking out. When there is a big game I can hear Georgia fans across the street tailgating or I can smell the beer that has been wasted on the sidewalk.
In my neighborhood I can hear old women gossiping the shouting of the boys is in my ear as I walk by trying my best to ignore them. I can taste the crunch bar as I walk from the candy man’s house. The shouting of the boys is in my ear as I walk by trying my best to ignore them. I can hear the sound of loud music as cars ride through; the rims are so shiny they can burn your eyes. My feet are burning from walking outside on the hot pavement with no shoes on, and my mouth is cold from the ice cream I just bought from the ice cream truck. Sometimes my mouth is hot because of the hot wings; I can taste the salt and ranch dressing.

In my neighborhood I can see junkies walking up and down the street, the musty smell on their clothes from not bathing enters my nose and makes me feel sick. I see the faded, wrinkle green money that the jay gives to the drug dealer for a rock. At the first of the month I see a lot of people at the mailboxes waiting for the mailman to come so they can get their check.
As nightfall it gets more loud, everybody get fresh for the club. I see stilettos, girls with little skirts, boys with Girbaud pants and fresh Air Force Ones. I hear the dope boy’s cell phones ringing. When I walk to the parking lot I hear boys and girls conversing about what they go do when they get to the club.

I see all the pretty cars on 22’s sitting there with the doors open and music blasting. I see the blue police officer’s uniform as he gets out the car and write the young men a ticket for loud music after curfew. As I get ready to walk in the house my neighbor screams" get out!" to her drug-dealing son who is always giving her trouble. Before I get in the house I smell food and I see the neighborhood cat laying in the doorway meowing for food. My mom yells "shut the door, we don’t have no food for that flea cat. After I have showered I lay down on my soft covers and pray for a better tomorrow.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl

So far in the book most of all her family has died in slavery, the only person she has left is her grandma who is also a slave. Her master is jealous of her and treats her cruel, when she want to see her grandma she sneak and do it because her master dosen't want her to. The story is very sad but, ineresting.

Analytical Writng on MUSIC

I’m going to analyze music because it is one of my favorite things. There are different kinds of music. There is jazz, blues, opera, rap, classical, heavy metal, and last but not least R&B. Music is entertainment that mostly all people enjoy to make them happy or sad. It can make people feel crunk or make them just want to chill. The sound of music is so powerful it helps plenty of people get through hard times. The words can motivate you and make you feel good inside and out.

Jazz is a style of music that first started in the south. There’s also Blues and Opera, which is another form of music that tells a story. Out of all the different types there’s also Rap which basically rhymes. There also is classical music, and Heavy also known as rock, it has a strong beat and it is very very loud.

Out of all the music, my favorite form of Music is R&B, which means rhythm and blues. I love R&B because of soulful meaning. When you listen to it, it touches you and makes you feel well inside. When I was little me, my mom and my grandma would get up early in the morning for breakfast and listen to Aretha Franklin while dancing around the house singing RESPECT.
I miss those days that happened when my grandma was alive. Another soulful artist I like is Patti Belle, I think that’s why my mom say I have a old soul because I love soulful music and sometimes I like old folks music better than young folk music.

Another reason I love R&B is because I can relate to it better, I don’t be understanding that rap mess they talk to fast for me. I prefer R&B than any other type of music. The artist I relate to the most is Keyshia Cole because she has been through many trails and tribulations in life just like me. She sings about the mistakes she has made in life with family and mostly guys. The music she sings about really hits home. I have been through a many things and like she say, " you have to move on and do you" so that’s what I’m trying to do.

R&B is slow music. Unlike rap you get to lay back and actually hear what it’s saying. You can listen to slow music on any occasion, weddings, dates, or just riding in the car with your home girls to name a few Kendra and Kiara. My favorite slow song is Keyshia Cole "I Should’ve Cheated" The song talks about how her boyfriend cheated on her and how she wish she would have cheated too so she wouldn’t be so hurt.

R&B also eases my mind and makes me calm down when I’m mad, especially when I’m mad at my boyfriend for doing something stupid. Most guys don’t like slow music but what they fail to see is it will calm you down. Instead of smoking a cigarette and calming your nerves you should turn on some R&B music. Sometimes when I’m having one of those days where it seem like everything is gong wrong and there is no one for me to talk to I turn on slow music.

The lyrics in R&B is what makes up the song, Why listen to a song if you don’t know what it’s talking about or what’s going on? I hate when I don’t understand a song. Sometimes when I first hear a song I don’t like it, but when I listen to the lyrics and hear what they saying I start to like it. A song is not good unless it has good lyrics and to my opinion the best part of a song is the good lyrics that you can understand. Well as you can see there are many different types of music but since R&B is my favorite I decided to break it down for you.

In the beginning I named a few other types of music. For instance rap, I don’t really dislike it I just prefer to listen to it when I’m at a party or when I’m feeling crunk. But, since I’m usually a down, to earth person I don’t really listen to rap. Classical has never been my type of music but its kind of like R&B it calms you and makes you feel focused. When I went to Clarke Central my language arts teacher Mrs. Blankenship would turn on classical music, as we would work. It always seemed to keep me focused and on task. I like all kinds of music but for now I’m going to stick with my favorite, R&B.

About Me

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I am very outgoing, I like to be goofy and have fun.