Monday, August 21, 2006

The Puritans

The Puritans had a lot of beliefs, they believed every person is born sinful- concept of original sin. They believed in Unconditional Election, which states God "saves" those he wishes, only few are selected for salvation. The Puritans also believed Jesus died for the chosen one and not for everyone. Out of all their beliefs I disagree with them all. I don’t think no one is born sinful, everyone is born innocent. I think God saves everyone but, when he want something to happen, then it will. And I know Jesus died for everyone because if he didn’t we wouldn’t be here today. Even though I disagree, I respect their beliefs because everyone has different values and beliefs in life.
Puritans number one principle was religion. Their spiritual beliefs they held were strong. Their beliefs are so strong that it affected community laws and customs. Since god was at the forefront of their minds, He was to motivate all of their actions. The Puritans unity strength their community. Even though they were surrounded with hardships, their spiritual bond made them sympathetic to each other needs. Each church congregation was individually responsible to god. The New Testament was their model and their devotion. People who opposed of the views and beliefs were asked to leave community or be converted. The way they told their scriptures was harsh.

Puritans constantly worked on being good because they believed god had already chosen who would be in heaven or hell. They believed the devil was behind every evil deed.
As said in Jonathan Edwards sermon "sinners going out of the world are so in gods hands" I think that mean they thought people couldn’t die by accident they died because god wanted them to, they think that every thing is in gods power. In "Sinners in the hand of angry god" Jonathan Edward states that " A man is not on the very brink of eternity, and that the next stop will not be into another world" I think he was saying no one is promised to lived forever but, when they do die, they will enter a better place, which he calls " Another World".
According to Plymouth Plantation William Bradford was one of the leaders of the English puritan separatist, which is now called "Pilgrims". He wrote his own personal journal, he served 35 years as governor of colony. He describes his experience on the mayflower. While on the mayflower Bradford went through a lot of hardships such as fierce storm, traveling to dangerous unknown places, and being in the wilderness. The whole time on the ship Bradford believed god would guide them.

After the puritans meet Squanto the interpreter they believed he was a special instrument sent from god. They believed god gave Squanto the grace to direct them how to set their corn, where to take fish, and how to produce other commodities. That’s an example of perseverance of the "saints" which is one of their beliefs John Edwards stated in his sermon that god has laid himself under no obligations, by any promise to keep any natural man out of hell on moment that’s another belief.

"All the means that there are of sinners going out of the world, are so in gods hands and so universally and absolutely subject to his power and determination" That statement was said by Jonathan Edwards on his sermon. I think it is a great example of plain text because he is stating facts and don’t care what others think or how they feel about what he is saying he just want them to know whether they like it or not.
I think the puritans wrote in this style because they wanted to keep it real and get straight to the point other than wasting time talk about unnessary stuff. I like how they wrote I just don’t understand why they say some of the stuff they say. I don’t fully understand the Puritans yet, I think they are very strange and interesting people who want to learn more about.


D a n a said...

This looks pretty good. Dividing it into sections will make it much easier to read, though. I get a little confused in the places where you are using the evidence from the text.

Adding some spaces will help this. It will also help you see if you have completed all the sections.

Send me another comment once you have done this.


D a n a said...

looks better. thanks.

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