Wednesday, November 15, 2006


The story "A story of the Hour" was a sad story I was confused at first but now that I understand it is very sad. In the story after her sister told her that her husband had died in an accident she was very shocked and sad. It seems like she couldn’t stop weeping. After looking over the story it seem like her grief was so strong that she needed to b alone so she went to her room. As she sat in her room and went into a daze she saw a lot around her. She watched the pretty spring trees and she smelt the smell of rain in the air. She also could hear a peddler crying. She heard a hymn in her ear. As she dazed out her window filled with grief she saw the beautiful clouds.
As I read the story it seems like she just sitting in her room alone with her head laid back on her chair and all she can do is sob. She is motionless and the only time she moves is when she sobs from crying so many tears.

The writer gives good detail of how bad it has effected her. Like when he say she was young with a calm face but now there is a dull stare in her ryes as she gaze away at the pretty skies. As she sits back in the chair it finally hits her what has happened. That’s when she starts feeling like something has possessed her. Her heart starts to beat fast and she feels powerless. To me it seems like she about to have heart attack. It seems like she is grieving real badly. In the story she keep saying "free body and free soul" I think that meant she wanted to die, like she had given up since she thought her husband was dead. After her sister comes in and they walk downstairs and she sees her husband standing there and he not dead I think that was to much for her, that’s why she had the heart attack. I think if they would have hide him and broke the news to her that he was alive and it was a mistake, then none of this probably wouldn’t have took place.

This story is a great example of realism because for one it paints out a good picture of what is happening. When your reading you actually feel like your there. It is just like looking at a photo and describing everything you see in it. A great example of realism in the story is when she is sitting in front of the window and describing everything she see. To me that’s realism because you didn’t have to use your imagination you knew exactly what was happening form all the good detail.
From reading the story to me a social issue she wants to solve is denial. I say that because she writes to represent the real things that are happening in life. She doesn’t sugarcoat anything she wants everything to be seen and she doesn’t leave out any details. I like that because that way I know what the character in the story really felt and what she saw and heard around her. I like this realism already because the word explains it all. Mostly everything about it is real from beginning to the end.

The story the battle with Mr. Convey was a very emotional story to me I felt really sorry for Freddrick Douglas after reading it. But, I now have more respect for what the slaves went through back then. From the details in the story he lived a terrible life while being Convey slave. He worked hard every day, rain, sleet or snow. He felt broken body soul and spirit, being a slave had seemed to make him depressed. He didn’t have the spark in his eye that he used to have before he became a slave. He lived I a bad environment everything around him made him feel like a lesser man. He had free time on Sunday but didn’t enjoy it because he was so weary from working hard all weak. A good example of realism in this story is when he says "You have seen how a man was made a slave; you shall see how a slave was made a man". I choose this because this quote is real. Slavery really changed him and made him more a man than he was before. At least that what it seem like. When he stood up to his master that’s when I really knew slavery had changed him. I think he had just got fed up with it.

The social issue he trying to change is being slavery. I choose that because in the story it seems like he is trying to give people the real picturer of what happened during slavery and all the things he went through during that period. If he would have never told this story we would never know what happened. He just like Chopin he wanted people to see the real picture of what he went through, he didn’t leave noting out he put every detail in there. His story is another good example of realism because not only do he give great detail he makes you feel what he felt. You can picture him and his slave owner fighting. I could see him walking to see his master as he sweats in pain. The whole story was great realism and I enjoyed it very much.

I think the purpose of writing this is to inform readers. He wanted people to know what happened to him when he was a slave. Most people, who think of slavery, think of black people working in the hot sun picking cotton. But if they read this they get a better insight and see the real pain and torture slaves went through during that time period. He was real honest and descriptive and after I read it I had a different outlook on slavery.
A good example of realism to me is the movie Boys don’t cry. The movie starred Hillary Swank who played a boy and girl one name Brandon and one name Teena.

The story is about the life of Brandon Teena, a transgendered teen who preferred life in a male identity until it was discovered he was born biologically female. In movie Brandon is a popular and fun guy who is new to a small town inn Nebraska. He do all the stuff guys do like smoking, drinking, and getting girls. He didn’t get a problem until he started dating a popular girl name Lana, who didn’t know her boyfriend was real her girlfriend. After a friend told, Lana brother and family didn’t approve. After the discovery he is betrayed, humiliated, raped, and murdered.
To me that’s a good example of realism because people in society don’t think this could actually happen to someone but it can. There are many people out there who was born like Brandon and they can’t help all they can do is except it. But because he was different he was killed.

In the scene in the movie when she told her girlfriend she was really a girl and her girlfriend became shocked that’s a good example of realism because if you see the movie the movie was so graphic and it didn’t leave you wondering it showed everything. It’s also realism because it’s something that people don’t want to know about. They want to deny it or look passed it, but they don’t know it’s only causing stuff like this to happen. People today need to stop trying to look at the good picture instead of the real one. And with realism that’s what there doing not leaving out anything good or bad.

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I am very outgoing, I like to be goofy and have fun.